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Addison Waters
May 10th

"Still don't want any deep fried Oreos?"

I made a disgusted face,
"No, never."

"But you barely ate anything all day,"

"Exactly, why would a deep fried Oreo be the first thing I want on an empty stomach?"

"I think you'll totally change your mind once you try one."

I crossed my arms,
"Well alright, if you say so. But, I'm never trying one."

He pouted,
"Please, for me?"

I sighed,
"If you win me the biggest stuffed animal here, I will."

He shrugged,
"You have yourself a deal. Have you forgotten that your fiancé is the master of carnival games?"

"You seem to call yourself the master of everything, so yeah, sorry. It must've slipped my mind,"

He chuckled,
"Well just you wait and see, what do you wanna start off with?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to hold, to which I did.

Then, we started walking through the crowded area filled with different games.

"Hmm.." I thought, looking around at the many familiar options.

"Ooh! How about the test your strength one?"

He smirked,
"Alright, you wanna start off easy? Fine by me."

I chuckled,
"I'd laugh my ass off if you got the lowest one."

He shook his head, departing from me while he went over to the host of the section.

He soon came back with the hammer, he swung it back and forth while he mentally prepared himself, jerking his shoulders back.

I grinned as I watched him warm up, it was like his cocky demeanour had completely faded away, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't slightly adorable.

He lifted his arms up high, hammer in hand, taking a swing down at the meter.

I looked up to see it probably would have gone even higher if the meter didn't stop there.

I was impressed, yet also not that surprised, he's gotten a lot stronger after being away for months.

He cheered, as he walked back over in my direction, carrying a huge teddy bear with him.

"My god," I muttered, the size of that thing was almost unbelievable, even for a carnival prize it was big.

He chuckled,
"I know right!"

"What are you gonna name him?"

"How about...wow my fiancé is strong as hell?" I joked.

"Might be a little long,"

I chuckled,
"Wanna go grab something to eat?"

"I thought you didn't like carnival food?"

"Well I haven't even anything all day. Plus, they have that big food building, I'm sure something in there was left alone and not deep fried,"

He nodded,
"Alright, but I'm getting the Oreo."

I sighed,
"I completely forgot about our deal.."

His eyes widened, as the smile on his face grew, and his laughter filled my ears.

"How could I forget?! Oh god this is gonna be awesome,"

"I'm taking the tiniest bite ever, don't get too excited."

"Well, I did win you the biggest bear. Therefore I get to make that decision, you're eating at least half." He winked.

"Nu-uh! That's not even fair! That game wasn't even hard to win for you. I signed up for this because I wanted it to be a challenge for you,"

"So you wouldn't say I'm a winner?"

"Maybe your muscles are,"

He chuckled,
"Either way, you're eating the Oreo Addy. Just accept it already, I promise it isn't anything like how you're imagining it,"

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