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Addison Waters
May 5th

"Remind me again why we have to start planning Ethan's party a month in advance..?" Grayson asked Lisa and I.

We both glared,
"He's been away for months, it needs to be perfect. Could you imagine how terrible it would be if we did it all last minute?" I scoffed, returning to the party planning catalog.

"Well..I don't see why we even need to throw him another "welcome home" party, we already had one. How many times are we gonna welcome him home? I never get one when I get back from the grocery store,"

Lisa chuckled,
"Oh gray, stop kidding around. This was his last time getting deployed, if we didn't have a little get together it wouldn't make sense," she added.

He huffed,
"Whatever, just don't ask me to help because-"

"Yeah, yeah, you're "busy playing fortnite,"" Lisa and I mimicked his voice, causing him to roll his eyes before sprinting upstairs.

"Oh shoot.." she mumbled, looking down at the counter hopelessly.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to buy those little spring chocolates he loves, you know the ones that are always sold out before summer even starts," she reminded, rolling her eyes at the thought.

"Aw man, want me to go with you?" I offered, as I stopped working on the welcome home sign.

She waved her arm signalling no,
"I'll be fast, and you're doing a beautiful job on that sign, I wouldn't want to disturb you." she lightly chuckled, picking up her keys.

"I won't be long, the Walmart isn't too far from here,"

I nodded,
"Well, drive safe!"

"Will do!" I waved her off, before she shut the door.

I began humming quietly to myself, as I  traced around the words "welcome home" with a yellow highlighter, to brighten it up.

As I was busy decorating it, I realized the e at the end of home didn't quite look like an e, more like an o. So, I began my search to find some white out.

I checked the craft drawers, and even the ones which kept pens, tape, and scissors, nothing.

"Gray?" I shouted, loud enough for him to hear me through his headset.

"What?" He shouted back.

"Do you guys have any white out around here?"

"Look for it!"

"I've checked all possible places, but then again, this isn't my house. So get off your ass and come help!"

I heard him grown, before a huge thud hit the floor, which I'm assuming was his controller.

He stomped down the stairs lazily, and this time, shirtless.


"White out..?"

"Oh, yeah I don't think we have any."

co-workers | e.dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora