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1 week later

Addison Waters

"See you tomorrow, Emily!" I perked up a smile, waving goodbye to one of my workers.

I pulled out my phone once I walked out the exit, and immediately got distracted by it.

I heard a few whistles in my direction, I mentally rolled my eyes and continued walking to my car.

"Addy," I heard, in a faint whisper.

I furrowed my eyebrows, turning to the left, to see Ethan standing beside his car.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey? What are you doing here?"

"Came to see you," he shrugged, as if it wasn't very strange that he knew I'd be working, considering I haven't talked to him in forever.

"..how did you know I'd be-"

"I called."

I nodded, putting my phone back into my purse.
"Well, do you need something?"

His face grew of confusion,
"When have I ever visited you because I need something?"

My mind immediately brought me back to the days when he would text me, saying he was horny. I didn't wanna bring that up, so I just continued on with my confused manner.

I opened my mouth, nothing coming out, before I dropped my hands to my side.

"I don't know, Ethan. A lot has happened this past week and we haven't talked, we're not exactly on good terms, so it's pretty weird for you to just show up like this and expect me to be back to normal." I crossed my arms.

"I didn't expect anything, I simply came for those reasons,"

"You know what happened between Gray and I, and Ive done some thinking.. I just can't do it anymore."

He furrowed his brows, "Can't do what anymore?"

"I can't see you,"

"Why? Did Grayson tell you he'd rather you not? Because he doesn't want to see you?"

"No, this has nothing to do with Grayson. More like you and him, and-my doing,"

"You didn't do anything, what are y-"

"Okay, I mine as well just give you the answer you've been looking for," I say in defeat, throwing my arms up.

"I guess I have been using Grayson to make you jealous."

"Why would you say that? I saw it in your eyes, when you were with him you looked as happy as ever,"

"I thought so too," I stated, causing him to just stare at me, waiting for me to explain.

"I thought, I had feelings for him, I thought I loved him, and I didn't realize it until after he broke up with me."

"I know that I'm not the one that should feel upset, because I just-used him." I sighed, looking down at the ground.

"You didn't use him, I know you're too kind of a person to ever toy with someones emotions like that," he softly spoke, slowly walking closer to me.

I chuckled, "Then maybe you don't know me,"


"No, let me explain,"

"The day that I met him, you were still with Ciara."

"What does that have to do with-"

"Just listen,"

"I liked you, as I'm sure you know.. and, I guess when I bumped into Grayson I just saw you, not literally, but I was really falling hard for you, and the fact that we were so close, so intimate and you didn't want me, really, really hurt. I didn't know it at the time but I used him because I was hurting, all over you."

He stared into my eyes, almost asking if I was telling the truth, like he couldn't believe I ever had feelings for him, even though I had told him on many occasions I never felt a single spark, anyone around us could tell.

"I told you, that I liked you,"

"While me and him were already together, you were too late, E."

"Am I still too late?"

As soon as he asked that, I immediately felt dozens of butterflies shoot to my stomach, but I pushed them all away because I knew what my answer had to be, and I couldn't change it.

"I think we work better as friends." I gulped, gripping onto the strap of my bag.

He looked down, clenching his jaw.
"Addy-" he sighed, shooting his head back up and looking to the side.

"You know how confusing you are?"


"You just told me that you've had feelings for me, and here we are, both single, and you don't want to be with me?"

"Ethan, I told you that I was done, I fucked everything up. How can I just go back to you after what I did to Grayson? I hurt him and I'm ruining your relationship with him. I'm not going to continue being a selfish bitch and just run into your arms,"

He nodded, knowing that although the feelings were strong, I was right.

"But I can't not have you in my life,"

"If we continued being friends even that wouldn't make a difference, Ethan. It has to be like this,"

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