The last meal Chapter 21 (Gluttony)

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Chapter 21
The last meal

*GLUTTONY, the second youngest of the seven, finishes his 21st meal today. Right on time for The Lady to walk in with the 22nd helping of food. Gluttony quickly grabs it and starts scarfing it down.*

I gotta give it to ya, Ma'am. You make some good ham.

The Lady:
Tell me... what is your purpose? All you do is eat and eat without any real plan. You don't conquer, you take.

I conquered your ship.

*The Lady stays silent as she sees her daughter and the others sneaking in.*

I'm a fat bastard. I know that. I can barely get off my ass to leave, let alone fight. The best I can do is be the lead of a place where I don't have to move. The ocean. Plus, infinite supply of water is ALWAYS good. Clean or not.

*Six falls on a piece of chicken that Gluttony was about to eat. The Lady gasps.*


The Lady:
N-Nothing... nothing... nothing.

*Gluttony shrugs as he eats the piece of chicken along with Six. The Lady looks in shock as he eats her only daughter while Seven looks Nervously, knowing her plan and hoping it works. Gluttony doesn't notice however.*

So anyways, my plan is foolproof and easy. I might sound like Pride or sloth, but atleast I'm the the most HATED out of all of my brothers... and I have reason to lay around. As long as I get the crap I get... I... I... what's in this chi-

*Suddenly, Gluttony's stomach begins to ache. He then feels a pain in his stomach. The pain grows more and more until is stomach gets cut right open and out pops Six with Gluttony's fat heart. He dies instantly.*

Sorry it took so long... that's the fat bastard out of the way.

The Lady:
Janis... I thought you...

I don't need your pity, mom. Let's leave. We're done here.

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