Lost at sea Chapter 13 (Gluttony)

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Chapter 13
Lost at sea

*Six narrates as she writes her log on her journey.*

Six's log - number 1: It's a foggy morning, as usual. The ocean is polluted, the sun can barely be seen, and I sit alone in a boat built for 4. No sign of my friends, seven, my mother... sometimes I wish never knew myself... what I can do... what my family was... I would've had a normal life... Ayano always talks like her life was a curse... she... HERSELF... was never cursed.

*Suddenly, Six begins to feel hungry. VERY hungry. She lucky has the canned Sausages and shoves it all down her throat. As she does so she sees 2 people stranded in the ocean. One with a long beard, the other appearing to be a demon/ human hybrid. Six tries to ignore them only to hear...*

Oi! Over here!

Turn the boat around!

We've been out here for 3 hours... and I'm hungry!

*Six sighs as she turns the boat around towards them.*

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