Flashback Pt 3 Chapter 19 (Gluttony)

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Chapter 19
Konishi's curse
*The Lady Narrates the information about Konishi's curse.*

The Lady:
Eons ago... a young girl born out of pure dark magic. She had a hatred for the world... she had a hatred for children. The only love she had... was but a humble man. He was bright and kind. The exact opposite of the woman. Perfect mate to balance his love, with her hatred. The lives of the Konishi were fruitful, present, peaceful. Until one of her biggest fears became reality. As their love created a daughter. A child. The very thing she despised. In a fit of rage, she killed the man with great vengeance and furious anger. It was only after, she realized her error. At that moment she felt a new emotion... regret. And thus begins a new. Her daughter grew with hatred. Her daughter's daughter grew with regret. Hatred, regret, hatred, regret, and hatred again. Then comes me and my daughter. A mother with so much regret on her life, her choices. While the daughter has her blood boiling with RAGE when her mother is seen.

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