Chapter 10: To be continued (Pride)

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*Baroness Von Bon Bon, wearing the cloak and devil horns Cuphead gave her, sat next to the woman she gave the other token to. This woman is a human wearing a purple jacket with orange buttons, a purple and yellow hat, brown strapped boots, carries a baby blue umbrella, and with moons and stars on it, and is covered in red paint.*

Thank you again for tagging me along.

Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Don't sweat it. It's ya seem like a nice lass.

*The Woman in the hat looks on her phone to see London still in ruin.*

The world is gutted pretty hard.

Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Very. at the least we're alive and something is being done about this.

I heard...
(Notices Baroness Von Bon Bon's Leg)
Nasty leg ya got there.

Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Got infected. Had to cut it off... Ya know... I never got Ya name.

Olive Hattington. Friends back in England call me "Hat girl" or "Hat lady."

Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Baroness Von Bon Bon. Princess of Sugarland. Pleasure to meet ya.


Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Your last name is Hattington...? Like the mysterious... Hatty Hattington?

(Sighs; whisper)
My dad... He was called "The king of bestfriend Kingdom." everyone he met they instantly became his friend... sometimes for the better... sometimes for the worse.

Baroness Von Bon Bon:
Oh my... I'm so sorry.

It's alright. Now about this bunker and plan?

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