Day 2 Chapter 16 (envy)

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Chapter 16
Day 2


*Today is the second day of me being in the same old clubroom with the other girls and Senpai. We were the last two to come in, so everyone was already hanging out. I'm a little tired from last night since we were working on our new suits and still having time to write our poems. Speaking of poems, I manage to finish mine before I went to bed. I take one last look at it for any corrections.*

Poem (Introduction):
I... am in Heavenly hell...

I am in a place where I can both be happy and feel tortured in a mental state.

Why...? Because I know the future... and the future sucks.

It's a nightmare
It's hell
It's run by demons
It's run by nightmares
It's run by horrid masterminds that run our lives like a set script
Like a recorder set on repeat
Like the depth of the sea

And who's the mastermind?
Who drives us to insanity?
To depression
To fear
To hunger
To lust
The answer I know
The answer I can't say
For the answer is the truth
A truth that will set you free and break your heart.

The only light in this story is that there is a light
A light at the end of the tunnel
In this beautiful light, we can see peace
We can see love
We can see joy
Cute things
Romantic things
Things that are not dark
Not bittersweet
Nor heartbreaking

This light resembles a future
A future where we join forces against the evils of those who wronged us
A future where peace can be remembered
A future where flowers are smelled
Cupcakes are eaten
Laughter is had
And joy is spread

Put down that pen and pick up a sword
Use the noose as a weapon and not a gateway to hell

Be a hero and not the victim.

*I think I turned out great. It may be a bit on the nose for breaking the 4th wall but hey, it's not terrible. Besides, my plan is to also use the opportunity to let some of the girls know that... well... I KNOW.*

Hi again, Makoto!

*Monika scared me a bit. I was too focused on my plans that I forgot I was in the club.*

Glad to see the two of you didn't run away on us.

Na, don't worry. Might be a little strange for me, but we kept our word! And that's what matters.

*Every time I look at Monika's smile I believe more and more that she's the spy that sent the message last night. The only question I kinda have is why? To get rid of the girls once and for all? To kill me?*

Thank the both of you for keeping your promises. I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for y-

We're fine Yuri. If anything It's helping me get out the house and socialise.


Oh, come on! Like they deserve any slack. Sayori told me you didn't even want to join a club last year. I don't even know if you plan to just hang out, or what. But if you don't take us seriously, then you won't see the end of it!

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