Chapter 7: Shipwreck (Lust)

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*Frisk, Risky Boots, Yandere Chan, and Spooky gets ready to talk about plans about how to enter scuttle town and save Shantae.*

Risky Boots:
We have another hour or so until we get to Scuttle town... any ideas on how we're doing this?

We're sneaking in. when we're saving Shantae, we gotta make sure She's free and no one knows.

Yandere Chan:
Thats stupid.

Alright. I'm sure you got a great plan, Sis!

Yandere Chan:
Alright... My plan is the exact opposite. If you want to show those satan worshiping, dung for brain, demons that we're not a force to be reckoned with, we're going in hard with NO MERCY!

Yan Chan, No. You've done that on me and yet you failed to kill me.

Yandere Chan:
And you think you're quiet enough to sneak through security!?
Yea. we're so not gonna get caught!

*Frisk and Yandere Chan argue for a bit until Risky Boots and Spooky sees something that made them scared. Spooky begins to hide while Risky Boots stares in awe.*

Risky Boots:
G-... girls?

*Frisk and Yandere Chan are still arguing.*

Risky Boots:

*Frisk and Yandere Chan are still arguing.*

Risky Boots:

*Frisk and Yandere Chan stop arguing and look at what Risky Boots is looking at and stare with fear. It's a giant ship filled to the brim with demons all supporting lust.*

Demon #1:
We got a few Live ones!

Demon #2:
The Boss' gonna like this. ATTACK!

*A horn sounds off from the ship followed by cheers from the demons.*

Risky Boots:
Great. Couldn't shut up about each other for a second. MAN THE CANNONS!

*Frisk and Yandere Chan load the cannons and fired on the ship, killing a few of the demons. The demons eventually make it on the girl's ship.*

Risky Boots:
Damn it!

Keep them off!

Yandere Chan:
They're not taking this ship! Fight them back!


-Frisk fires her round of gaster blasters at a handful of enemies killing a hand full with each shot. But more demons came-

-Frisk then switched from gaster blasters to bone staffs and then used them to smack demons with. But more came-

-Yandere Chan used her kitana to stab, slash, decapitate, and so on. Butt more demons came-

-Risky Boots used her pistol, mini canon, and her sword to drive the demons back. But more demons came-

-The trio of girls fought hard, but demons kept coming and coming until the girls were overwhelmed and captured-

*The Demons tied Frisk, Yandere Chan, and Risky Boots to the pole on the ship.*

Demon #1:
Right... what are we doing with them...? Kill em? Fill em?

Demon #2:
Boi em? Mash em? Stick em in a stew?

Demon #3:
Eh... the three of them killed half of us... why not take em to the arena. We'll make a fortune on chick fighting.

*Other demons cheered as the girls struggle to break free.*

Demon #4:
I'll think of the names!

*The ship sails off to the arena. Little do the demons know. Spooky hides on the ship as the mermaid on the front.*

Change of course, ladies.

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