Amber: Yeah! (She comes to the door) Sounds fun. And we've haven't done anything overly romantic in awhile. We're see you there.

Captain: Thank you ma'am. Have a lovely day.

The captain walked off while you closed the door behind him. You turned back to Amber and saw her smiling.

(Y/N): What was that?!

Amber: What?

(Y/N): We're suppose to lay low. Not go to parties!

Amber: Yeah, but, last time I checked you were Flynn Woods, and I am Daisy Woods. I don't know what you're talking about.

(Y/N): (Sighs) You're playing into the role.

Amber: Didn't have much of a choice. Now, get ready.

(Y/N): This is going to be a long, LONG, mission.

Finally, evening came and you and Amber got ready for that dinner party. You both didn't have much, just a single vest and dress shirt with pants while Amber had a small dress. After arriving at the party, a few other couples were there as well as the captain and a few crew members.

Amber: Want me to get you anything?

(Y/N): Uh? Nah, I'm good. You can get stuff though.

Amber: Works for me. Later.

Amber walked off while you looked around the room. After a few more seconds Amber came back with a plate and handed it off to you.

(Y/N): What's this?

Amber: Dinner. Now, shut up and eat.

(Y/N): Geez, you make it sound like we're an old married couple.

Amber blushed a bit and turned away. You raise an eyebrow but let it slide.

Captain: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Woods hello!

(Y/N): Captain.

Captain: Please, join us. Come, come.

Amber: Thank you.

You both walked over to to the captain's table and joined him in the "honors" seat. The place was loaded with high end elites from around the world. Truthfully, you didn't care about them at all, only caring for and about Amber. As in protection, not...never mind. The talks were nothing special, but somehow, it evolved into Amber throwing little pastries into your mouth and you attempting to catch them.

Sure, you two got kicked out of the hall for "immature behavior" but neither of you two cared all that much. You returned to your shared room with several different desserts stolen from the hall and chowed down. You two had small cakes, cookies and other treats here and there. You two had ice cream as well and you even found a way into the alcohol for a few drinks here and there. Hesitant at first, Amber accepted a drink and the two of you continued to have a blast.

You honestly couldn't fully remember the night as you actually did end up passed out on the bed. You slowly opened your eyes and saw that you were in the bed of the room. After a yawn, you let that realization set in and looked around. Sure enough, Amber was right beside you, gripping onto your arm and pulling her closer to you. A blush grew on your face as you could feel her hand wrap her fingers in with yours. Finally, her eyes opened and she too let out a yawn and continued to cuddle up to you with realizing what she was doing.

Finally, her eyes opened once again and she saw you face to face. Finally, reality set in for the both of you and a massive blush grew across her face. You two just stared at one another for a few more seconds until you both pulled away and laughed a bit.

Amber: We didn't do-

(Y/N): Well, your cloths are still on. My are still on. So I think we're good. I'm sorry, I just got pissed off by those stuck up pieces of-

Amber: Same boat.

(Y/N): Was...was that a joke?

Amber: Maybe?

(Y/N): You're jokes are disgraceful.

Amber: Good morning to you too.

Amber offered you a smile, which you did end up returning. From there, you two got to the highest deck and found a secluded spot and threw her a sword.

(Y/N): Alright. Let's get started!

Amber had a concern look to her but eventually it changed into one of determination. With that, she attacked. You had to admit, her skill with a blade was very formal, excellent maneuvers. Clearly, Oz and Glynda trained her well. The two of you would train for hours, finally reaching the hand-to-hand combat.

During a match, you threw a right hook, which Amber actually grabbed and threw you over herself. Your back smacked into the ground and you could feel the pain course through your body.

Amber: You always start off with a right hook. Try shifting it.

You scoffed and looked back at Amber whom had a smile on her face. You slowly formed a smile as well and laughed a bit.

(Y/N): The student becomes the teacher. Nice work.

Amber helped you to your feet and the two of you continued your daily training. The trip to Vytal was a short one, only around a one week time period. Regardless, outside of training it was still a nice and fun adventure. You two played games, got into trouble, all sorts of stuff. Regardless, it was the most fun you had at your job in years.

At the last day, you stared out across the sea, finally seeing Vytal in the distance. You were soon joined by Amber who gave you a drink and sat and watched the evening with you.

Amber: I know I shouldn't say this, but this was a lot of fun.

(Y/N): It was. And, you are allowed to say that.

Amber: Got it. So, ready for the journey ahead.

(Y/N): Can't see why not. Besides...I think this could be the best assignment yet.

Amber: And why is that?

(Y/N): You'll find out one of these days.

Amber: (Laughs) I better.

That was great trip.

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