So I Got Tagged...

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Yes, I got tagged by the lovely teddy1223, but I can't answer all the questions.

I'm sorry, but I don't want people on the internet finding me IRL, but I'll answer all the questions that aren't personal.

1. Yes, I do.

2. Probably not T^T.

3. Confidential.

4. Confidential.

5. Confidential, but I can say that it was my best friend (I won't say which gender).

6. "What the Heck I Gotta do" from the musical 21 Chump Street (By: Lin-Manuel Miranda)

7. 84%

8. I think she'd kill me if I leaked her name.

7. I refuse to leak his name.

10. Hetalia: RusAme

      Voltron: Punk

      SU: Lapidot

11. It's a really long story, but I'll try to shorten it. Basically, one day I was looking for some Hitman Jones fanfics and I stumbled upon Wattpad. It looked amazing so I begged my parents for my own account. It took a few months, but I finally got it.

12. It's really boring, but if you guys really wanna see it, here you go.

No, I didn't change it before taking this picture, I just like having a relaxing lock screen before entering the chaos of my phone

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No, I didn't change it before taking this picture, I just like having a relaxing lock screen before entering the chaos of my phone. Also, I can't say WHEN I took this picture, it might have been a few hours ago or maybe a few seconds ago, so you can't tell what timezone I'm in.

13. EXTREMELY confidential.

Since I answered so many of these with confidential, I feel that it's not fair to tag other people. I'm really sorry if this disappoints you, I just really want to keep my identity safe. Thank you for understanding.

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