Prince!England x Butler!France Part 2

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A month quickly passed by.

Francis grew very close to the twins (especially Matthew). What he didn't know was that the twins had grown close to him, much closer to him than he thought, at least.

(With Mattie, Alfie and Artie...)

Arthur finished up the story with a smile, quietly closing the large book.

"Hey, Iggy?"

Arthur turned to his adopted son. "Yes, Alfred?"

"Can I call you mom?"

"... Why?"

Alfred smirked. "It suits you better than dad."

"Who will be your dad, then?"

Matthew realized what Alfred was doing. "We got one already."

"What? Who?"

Alfred chuckled, his big blue eyes gleaming with excitement. "Go to the garden tomorrow at three to find out."

"... Are you two setting me up on a date?"

Matthew shrugged. "Maybe."

Arthur stood up with a small smile. "You two are bloody lucky I love you. I'll go on your date, if you two start eating more vegetables."

Alfred grimaced in disgust, so did Matthew, but they had to do this for mommy!

"... Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine..."


Arthur smiled in victory, bidding them good night.

(The next morning...)



They ran up and hugged Francis' leg.

"Onhonhonhon, bonjour, mes fils."

"Dad! You won't guess what we got Artie to do last night!" Alfred yelled happily.

Even little Matthew seemed elated.

Francis laughed. "What did you two do?"

"We got him to go on a date with you!" Matthew cheered quietly.

His face turned red. "W-WHAT?! I- ERM-"

Matthew giggled.

Alfred beamed. "You're the only person mom ever smiles around. We want you to be our dad."

Francis felt his face burn. "You... really think that?"


"Of course, Papa."

"B-but still, I can't go out with your father like this."

"He's Mama now." Matthew whispered.

Alfred bounced happily. "I've got it covered!"

(With Artie an hour later...)

Arthur frowned, the boys were taking this 'mom' thing too far.

They set him out a flowing sapphire dress that emphasized his curves.

They even bothered to pick out silver high-heels and matching jewelry. (I see no point in putting a reference picture. Imagination makes it more fun.)

Thank goodness they didn't give him a wig.

He sighed, unsure of who the boys would set him up with.

Kiku perhaps? Kiku was a quiet cook who made very good tea. Maybe Roderich? The pianist who played for them on Sundays.

Maybe if he was lucky... no. He couldn't think like that. There was no way he liked that frog.

(At three with Artie...)

Arthur wrung his hands together, trying desperately to dry them.

Why was he so nervous? Was he scared of a date? He was Arthur bloody Kirkland! This date should be scared of HIM!

He heard somebody walk towards him, he cautiously turned, his face quickly flushing.


He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unintendedly showing off his navy blue tux.

"Bonjour, mon petit."

"HEY! I am not small!"

Francis chuckled.

"The boys said last nigh that they were going to let me meet their father..."

Francis nodded. "And they called you Mama..."

Arthur got up, slowly approaching the French man. "I think I see what they see in you."

His face lit up.

"I wouldn't choose anyone else to be a better father."

Arthur pulled him into a kiss, short, but very sweet, with plenty to come in time.

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