Angel!England x France Part 1

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Francis was a fine kid.

He moved to New York from Paris about three years ago. He's adjusted, he's popular with all genders. He gets exceptional grades. He has a great relationship with his parents.

But he has a secret he's never told anyone in all his eleven years of living. He can see angels.

He sees them everywhere, even around criminals, everyone had an angel watching over them

He was no exception. 

His guardian angel was a young man from the original thirteen colonies. His name was Arthur Kirkland. He didn't know much else, because Arthur was sensitive about his past.

Today Francis was alone in his apartment, so he could talk to Arthur openly.


"Hm?" He looked up from his book.

"Can I ask you something?"

"By all means."

"How did you become my angel?"

Arthur looked away, blushing fiercely.

"W-we get to choose who we watch over."

Francis thought for a minute. "Why did you choose me?"

Arthur's blush worsened. "No reason, go back to doing your homework."

"Oui." Francis went back to his worksheet.

(Fast-forward Five years)

Francis was crying, he and his girlfriend just broke up.

Arthur was there when it happened. The girl cheated on him, so Francis ended their romance.

"Arthur?" Francis sniffled.


"Am I a good person?"

Arthur nodded. "Of course why wouldn't you be?"

"I try so hard, why does no one love me?!" He sobbed into his pillow.

"Well, I do..." Arthur mumbled.

Francis glared at him. "Mon ange, did you say something?"

"A-ah, no!"



"Will I ever have a soulmate?"

Arthur nodded slowly.

"Who is it?"

"I-I don't... know." He lied.

Francis sighed. "I'll find them, no matter what."

Arthur smiled. "I'm sure you will."

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