Undead!Romano x Human!America

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This one-shot was inspired by Stephanie Mabey's The Zombie Song, the video above is my favorite animatic version of this song (it's a Hamilton AU btw). If you haven't heard this song, I suggest you listen to it right now. 

Also, this one-shot is gory and sad, you have been warned.

Lovino blinked, realizing something was off. His whole body felt numb and he felt nothing but desperate hunger. He needed something sustaining. He needed something alive.

He got up, his hunger not allowing him to wonder how his room became so demolished.

Honestly, it looked like a rabid dog came through and destroyed everything.

But he didn't care about that right now... he needed to EAT.

(A few dead people later...)

Lovino sighed contently, wiping the excess blood from his mouth. 


He stood up, looking around in alarm. All these eaten corpses... he... he couldn't have done this... right?

He backed away slowly. "I... no..." He whimpered. "I'M A MONSTER!" Lovino screamed.

How... how did this happen? 

"Why..." Lovino sobbed.

(Who knows how long later...)

Lovino walked through the street absently. There was no reason for him to do anything else. He wasn't hungry, and he found that sleeping was impossible in his new form (I feel like that's why zombies are so slow and move so sluggishly, IDK), he was beyond tired, but couldn't do anything about it.

It made him sick. This whole situation. All he could do was eat, everything else was sluggishly walking around looking for his next meal. 

The worst part about it, was that no matter what, he never seemed to die, a few days ago someone had shot him in the heart, but it did nothing except give him a dull ache in the chest.

Lovino paused for a moment, looking ahead. Where was he even going? There was nowhere to go, not even death (or so it seemed to him at the moment).

He let a tear fall down his face. If only Feliciano was here, then at least he would have someone.

"What did I do to deserve this?!" He screamed at no one in particular. "I mean... I was never the nicest or most generous person, but still..." He cried, falling onto his knees and sobbing uncontrollably.

(Two days later...)

Alfred looked the zombie in the eyes, looking away and gritting his teeth, he shot.

The dead body of his best friend fell to the ground.

"Rest in peace... Kiku..." He whispered, not trying to stop the tears pouring from his eyes.

"Alfred!" A familiar voice called out. It was his brother, Matthew.

"It's clear this way now!" He called back, trying to keep the whimper out of his voice.

Matthew ran into the street, Franis close behind him.

Francis gasped at the sight of Kiku and Ivan.

"Oh, Alfred... I'm so sorry." Matthew said, putting a comforting arm around his twin's shoulders.

Arthur appeared behind him, and saw Kiku's broken body. "BLOODY-" Francis pressed his finger over Arthur's lips, effectively shutting him up.

Alfred finally looked up, tears still steaming down his face. "We need to keep moving... see if we find anyone else that's left."

Arthur cast a final glance at the corpses before nodding in agreement. "Right."

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