Vampire!England x Reader

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(Y/n) was walking home from school late one fateful Friday.

Why did she have to be so nice?

She had spent three extra hours today helping (favorite teacher) grade homework assignments and was now exhausted as she walked home while the sun set behind her.

There was a slight breeze, so her (h/c) (h/l) hair was blowing quietly behind her as she trudged through the empty streets of (home city).

Finally, she arrived home. Thank goodness she finished her homework at school.

(Y/n) opened the door and hurried inside.

Her parents said in advance that they were working late and (sibling's name) was spending the night with their best friend.

She sighed, grabbing a bag of (favorite snack) and sitting quietly on the back porch.

She took out her phone and played (fave song) as she ate, watching the sun set. Wishing it wasn't so isolated in her backyard.

(An hour later...)

(Y/n) jolted awake. 

"Huh... must've fallen asleep or something." She muttered, turning to look at her phone, which was now dead.

She frowned, turning to her bag of (fave snack) which was now empty. "Wonderful."

The sky was dark and twinkled with stars. The moon glowed, making everything radiate in soft silver light.

It was beautiful out here. Too bad she had to spend such a gorgeous night alone.

(Y/n) sighed sadly, realizing how lonely she really was. 

A little black bat flew over to her and landed gracefully beside her. She smiled at it warmly.

"Hey there, little one; are you all alone too? Do you want to be friends?"

The bat chirped happily, making (Y/n) giggle. (Bats chirp, right?)

She yawned, relaxing in her (f/c) yard chair. She fell back asleep.

(At Midnight...)

(Y/n) slowly opened her (e/c) eyes, coming to the realization that she was no longer outside.

Someone had tucked her into her bed. 

She frowned, sitting up.

"Mom? Dad?" She called out. No answer.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps. She quickly grabbed a (s/f/c) flashlight and a bottle of pepper spray (why you have those in your room, I have no idea, reader-chan).

She kept the flashlight off for now because the footsteps didn't seem very close by. She gripped onto her trusty pepper spray tightly, waiting for the intruder to make an appearance.

The footsteps got louder until suddenly, they disappeared.

(Y/n) was puzzled. She must still be half-asleep or something.

The little bat from earlier landed on her shoulder.

"Hi again, little guy, you might need to leave; my parents don't really like bats."

He gave a persistent chirp. (Y/n) sighed.

"How did you even get in here? And who-"

The bat hopped off her (skin tone) shoulder and onto the (f/c) rug.

Then, out of nowhere, he started to grow, until he became... a hot guy?

The young man had blonde hair and emerald green eyes that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. His skin was pale and his face was painted with a smirk, exposing his small fangs.

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped.

The man continued to smirk. "You were saying, love?"

Oh. He had an accent. A hot British accent.


He frowned, stepping close to her. His brilliant green eyes bore into her (e/c) orbs.

"I didn't scare you, did I?"

Heat rose in (Y/n)'s cheeks. "N-no, I just-"

He snatched the bottle of pepper spray and threw it to the side.

"Are you lying to me, (Y/n)?"

"H-how do you know my name?"

"I've been watching you for a while now."

He gulped at her expression and jumped back.

"Not in a creepy way! I just was interested by you so I watched your every move- oh, never mind, that's creepy..."

(Y/n) sighed. "You said you were interested?"

"I..." He blushed. "Yes."

"No one's ever been interested in me before."

He gave a small smile. "Well, I seem to have proven you wrong, then."

(Y/n) looked into those magnificent green eyes and said nothing, just nodding softly.

Finally, he broke the silence. "I'm Arthur, by the way. Arthur Kirkland. Apologies for not introducing myself earlier."

She smiled. "It's fine; maybe we should take some time to get to know each other, in a not creepy way."

Arthur laughed nervously. He had such a cute laugh.

"Yes, I would like that."

"And Arthur?"

"Yes, love?"

(Y/n) blushed when he called her love.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being with me when I was lonely."

He smiled, kissing her hand gently. "Gentleman's honor."

(Y/n) beamed. 

"I must go now."

She frowned sadly.

"But trust me, even if you can't see me, I'll be close."

"Alright." She hugged him. "Don't be a stranger."

"I give you my word." He turned back into a little bat and nuzzled (Y/n)'s cheek before flying out the window into the moonlit sky.

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