PruCan High School AU Part 2

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This plot idea was provided by KaylaStarUniverse.

Gilbert was walking to school with his Freshman brother (he was a Softmore).

Of course, like usual, he was making fun of the fact that Ludwig was getting tutoring in art, of all classes! Not only that, he was getting tutored by his crush! Sure, on the outside Gilbert was making fun of him, but on the inside, he wished he could spend time with Matthew, even if it was for tutoring.

Gilbert walked up to his friends, telling Ludwig goodbye.

Francis smirked. "It's been an entire week since you found mon petit Mathieu, have you made a move?"

To be honest, Gilbert didn't even have the guts to talk to him. "J-ja, I mean obviously. We're totally a thing now." Wait, WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?! THAT WAS A TOTAL LIE!

Antonio giggled, patting Gil on the back. "Good for you, mi amigo! You should bring him over to my house for our fiesta tonight!"

Francis laughed mysteriously. "Qui, that is a tres bon idea, Toni."

Gil's heart sank. Francis saw right through him. He would never hear the end of this.

"Ja! Totally! We'll be there!"

"Bueno! Adios, I have Latin with Lovi first period!" He ran off.

Francis smiled. "Salut!"

He turned to Gilbert with that knowing smirk. "I hope to see you two tonight." He walked off to go find Arthur.

Gilbert paled. What was he going to do?!

Wait, the gears started turning, he had a plan.

(At lunch...)

He found the little Canadian sitting at a table by himself.

Gilbert slapped an arrogant grin on his face and sat across from him.

Matthew looked up, surprised.

"H-hey there, w-who are you?" Matthew whispered.

Gil smirked. "Me? No one. Oh wait, I AM THE AWSOME GILBERT!"

Matthew's eyes brightened in recognition. "Oh! Mon cousin Francis talks a lot about you! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Gil chuckled. "Same here, look, I need your help."


"Yes. You."

"Why me?"

Gilbert hadn't thought about that. "Uhh... has Francis told you about my ex?"

Matthew shook his head.

"Well, you see... she's dating this other guy, Roderich now and I need to make her want me back."


"And I thought 'well you're a cute guy' so I thought you might be willing to help me."

Matthew blushed when Gil called him a cute guy. "U-um still, would't someone more... noticed be better?"

"Nein. You are perfect." Gil tried to calm his fiery cheeks.

Matthew blushed more. "I-if you say so..."

"But, there is one more thing."


"Everyone has to think we're dating."

"Even Francis?"

"Especially Francis."


"So, you in?"

"Well... okay."


Gilbert got up and hugged him. "DANKE!"

Matthew giggled, his face coated with blush.

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