Nyo!RusAme Steven Universe AU

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Anya was a diamond. She was yellow diamond to be exact, she had given herself the nickname Anya when talking to her sister Blue (Anneli (nyo! Finland)).

One day, Anya was summoned to see White Diamond (my Pangea OC). Now seeing, White was usually bad. Most gems summoned to see White ends up with a bunch of gem shards on the floor if you know what I mean.

So, as you may have guessed, Anya was a little nervous.

She entered White's throne room and curtsied. "My loving gorgeous diamond, what do you wish of me?"

White smiled. "Rise, Yellow, I have good news."

Anya did so.

"I had a thought a few centuries ago that it might be nice to have a helper of sorts. About a decade ago, I carried out my plan. I created a new gem called 'pearl', they are made for the sole purpose of pleasing gems greater than them." She beamed creepily. "And of course, I made my sisters 'pearls' of their own."

Anya was so relieved she wasn't getting shattered.

"My Diamond, how generous! Thank you."

White stood up, towering over Anya. She put a small gem into Anya's palm, the gem was only about five and a half feet tall.

"Oh and one more thing."

"Yes, my Diamond?"

"I want that colony of yours finished in two days. No more."

Anya only got that planet last week.

"A-ah, yes, of course, my Diamond."

White nodded. "You may go."

Anya wasted no time leaving White's presence.

She went back to the colony's moon and set her new pearl down. 

She was so cute! She had short wavy gold hair and glimmering gold eyes (she's a yellow pearl after all). She was wearing a small gold ballet outfit that revealed the top of her chest, exposing her pale yellow gem.

Anya smiled. "Hello, sunflower."

"My Diamond, hello, I am your new Pearl, I hope we can be great companions."

Anya's smile widened. "You are very polite, sunflower."

"My Diamond... if I may ask a question..."

Go ahead."

"Um... what is a sunflower?"

"Come here."

The pearl hesitantly walked over.

She showed her a sunflower field on her colony.

The pearl's eyes widened in awe. "It's... marvelous."

Anya sighed sadly. "Yes, but they will all die soon."

The pearl looked alarmed. "What? Why?!"

Anya looked down. "White has ordered me to finish the colonization on this planet, when I m done, everything will die."

The pearl thought for a moment. "Why don't we take some and keep them here?"

Anya gasped. "That's a wonderful idea, sunflower!"

Yellow blush dusted her cheeks. "Thank you, my Diamond."

"Please, call me Anya, that is what my sisters call me."

"As you wish my- I mean Anya."

"Hmm... you should have a name too. How about... Amelia?"

Amelia smiled. "I find it very suiting."

Anya beamed. "Amelia it is!"

They were in c comfortable silence for a few minutes.


"Da, sunflower?"

"White Diamond mentioned something called 'love', what is it?"

Anya thought of how to explain it. "It is the connection between two very close beings."

"Ah! I see! Then, Anya, I have to tell you something."


"I love you."

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