The Smothering

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My heart stopped and I went still as Gracey's tongue smothered me and pushed me against Dawns tongue and the inside of her mouth. I began to struggle as the two massive tongues surrounded me, I pushed the walls that curled around and tried to escape. But it just caused the two girls to moan and scream with pleasure.

Soon I felt Dawns tongue lift up behind me and push me towards her lips. I screamed as I was forced out of Dawn's mouth and into Gracey's... 

Gracey's tongue immediately attacked me, it pushed me against the roof of her mouth. I scrambled around. I even clawed at her tongue in an attempt to cause pain. It had no effect, it only made her moan with pleasure.

"JUST LET ME OUT!!!" I cried as Dawn's massive tongue entered the mouth. I tried to escape it but Gracey's tongue pushed me towards it and eventually I was caught Between the two again. Dawns tongue licked my body from my feet to my face, she dragged her tongue all over me while Gracey's held me in place.

The two girls were having fun and they had no care for me... This wasn't good. 

Gracey's tongue pushed me again, only this time, out of her mouth. My torso emerged from between Gracey's lips. 

I saw Dawn's massive face staring at me, she licked her lips and said. "You're going to feel sooo gooood going down." I watched in horror as her mouth slowly opened and moved towards me. 

She licked up Gracey's causing her to moan until her tongue reached my body where she closed her lips around me. I felt her slurp my body out of Gracey's mouth.

I lay face down on Dawn's massive wet tongue, her breath filling my nostrils as I begin to give up. I let go, I was hers now.. There was no escape from her hungry mouth. Dawn's tongue tossed me around as she spoke. "Say goodbye to the tiny!" 

"See ya tiny!" Gracey said, "When you come back all three of us will escape together!" She smiled as my heart stopped...

The last bit of light faded as Dawn closed her massive mouth. I felt her massive wet tongue push me towards the back of her throat, then with one forceful gulp, and a splash of saliva I was to be swallowed. "No... This can't be happening!!... NOOO!!!!" I screamed as I clawed and grabbed at the tongue as it forced me down the throat... and into the stomach...

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