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"You really shouldn't have talked so loud! It was OBVIOUS you found him! Who else would you be talking to? There ISN'T anyone else." 

The phone booth shook violently as it was forcefully ripped out of the ground and hoisted into the air. The windows were covered by a soft fleshy hand and I quivered as I was taken into the air. 

The door to the phonebooth was ripped off. A giant eye appeared, a giggle was heard, then Dawn said, "Well, well, well... Looks like Gracey over here gave you away!" 

"Oops..." Gracey muttered, "...Sorry" 

"Looks like I've got my very own snack!" Dawn laughed evilly, "I just need to get it out of the wrapper." 

She held the phonebooth over her head and opened her mouth. It looked too familiar, her massive molars, her pink wet tongue, and her soft lips surrounding the cavern. 

"Please... Don't do this!" I begged as she began to shake the Phonebooth. I braced myself against the walls. She shook the phonebooth and I began to feel sick and dizzy, but I held on, I didn't want to die like this! Eaten alive like a piece of candy! I wasn't thinking clearly before, but this time I was. 

She stopped shaking the phone booth. I relaxed... 

"Alright you seem stuck, let me help!" She brought the entire phonebooth up to her mouth slowly. I grabbed onto the phone chord and gripped it with all my might. Dawn stuck her tongue out and stuck it into the phonebooth.

Her saliva instantly surrounded me from all angles. She pressed her tongue inside the small box; as much as she could anyways. She licked me and soaked me and the rest of the booth with her saliva. She removed her tongue from the small room, then held it above her head again, this time was different. 

The saliva caused me to slip, I couldn't lodge myself in there like I could before. I slipped and fell out. But, I still held on to the phone. The chord thankfully was tough and could hold my weight as I dangled hundreds of feet in the air.

"Dawn stop.." Grace murmured.

Dawn ignored her and instead opened her mouth and held me above it. 

"Let so small fry!" Dawn teased as I dangled over her massive tongue. 

"STOP!! LET ME GO!" I yelled.

"No, you let go!" Dawn teased right back.  

She slowly lowered me towards her open mouth. I held on for dear life as she lowered me. She placed me directly inside her mouth, I could see her massive tongue in front of me, I looked down and saw her throat. I tightened my grip. 

But then she closed her mouth and her tongue came towards me, I couldn't do anything as the warm, squishy tongue pressed my body against the roof of her mouth. I tried to scream but got a mouthful of saliva. Her tongue pushed me to the side, back and forth, and licked me, over, and over again. 

"Persistent aren't you?" She said. As she spoke her tongue tossed me around as they made the words. "Alright then, you win... I'll let you out..." She said as she slowly opened her mouth. I sighed with relief as I saw light reappear. 

"JUST KIDDING!" She said as my heart froze and she slammed her teeth down on the phone chord snapping it directly in two... 

I screamed as I scrambled around for anything to grab, I clawed at her tongue as it shoved me down her throat... and into her stomach...


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