The Belly of the Beast

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I clawed at her throat as the muscles pulled me down her esophagus. I could hear her giggle from inside her body. I eventually landed in her stomach with a splash into her stomach acids. 

"AHHH!!" I screamed as I felt them burn my skin. I tried to swim out but there was no escape, the acids were slowly eating away at my tiny frail body. I could hear the two giantess' speaking. The words were muffled by the stomach but I could make out a few words.

"Why did you have to eat him...?" It sounded like Gracey was speaking. 

"HEY GRACEY" I yelled and pounded on the walls of Dawns' stomach. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" 

"I can feel him trying to escape!" Dawn chuckled. "I ate him because that's what we were told to do." 

"No!" Gracey rebuked, "We were told to kill him..."

"but we were told that he tastes really good! And that eating him would be an easy way to do that!" 

"So? It's inhumane... he's burning alive in your stomach right now!"

"And soon he'll come out of the other side" Dawn giggled.

"DAWN! NO!!" Gracey yelled. "Couldn't you just have stepped on him or something?" 

"And where's the fun in that?"

"This isn't supposed to be fun!" 

"FOR Him! We're Giants! We can do whatever we want!" From inside I could hear a building being ripped apart and destroyed. "They said we couldn't be held accountable for anything illegal we did to the city or to the small person, he's not real anyways." 

Not real? I am real... did she really thing... oh God... 

I slump down in the burning acid, this is how it ends isn't it... Eaten alive by someone who thinks your just a robot, or a bug? 

I've lost all feeling in my skin, and My body is the consistency of butter, as I let go... 

And everything goes black...


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