From Top to Bottom

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I ran into the building, it seemed like it used to be some sort of hotel. The lobby was fancy and full of nice vases and dry fountains. I walked down the hall and found the elevator. I pressed the button and the door opened but there was nothing there...

Then all of a sudden without warning the elevator car came crashing down and smashed into the floor of the shaft. 

I jumped back with fright, just in time too. I was unharmed. I could try the other elevator but I don't think that it's such a good idea, I better take the stairs.

I ran over to the stairs. They were behind a massive metal door. I turned the knob but it felt stuck. I used all my weight and slammed into the door, pushing as hard as I could. And eventually, it gave and opened up. 

I began to ascend up the stairs. I climbed one flight, two, four, seven. I stopped at the top and I was panting, but I had made it. I opened the door to the roof and saw the two giantess. 

Gracey's butt was facing me from afar it looked small but up close it was as massive as she was...

Dawn was across from her sitting on another building. She had her legs crossed and was talking to Gracey. 

"Doesn't that sound like it would be fun?" Dawn said flirtatiously.

"Yeah," Gracey giggled, "It kinda does," 

"HEY GRACEY!!! IM RIGHT HERE" I yelled almost directly at her butt. 

Dawn locked eyes with me, but only for a split second before saying. 

"Hey Gracey, you look tired, why don't you... sit down! On that building behind you and rest for a while.

"Alright, good idea Dawn" Gracey slowly went to sit down. Right on top of me....

I watched motionless as the massive fleshy mass that was Gracey's butt slowly moved towards me. It hit he forcefully and pressed me against the hard roof of the building. 

I screamed but it was muffled by the massive butt that was slowly crushing and suffocating me. I tried to push it away. Her butt was warm and soft, somewhat comforting, if it weren't for the fact it was suffocating me. 

She wiggled her butt around and I heard bones snap. I tried to scream but again it was completely muffled. So were my final pleas for help as everything faded to black...


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