Test Results

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"3" I better tell Gracey... Well, at least I have some sort of room to breath. What happens when it reaches 0? Do I die for good... Do I not come back..? That was scary to think about.

Well all that mattered was now I know what was happening and why I kept coming back. Not sure how it worked but now I understood it. I needed to tell Gracey, she would help me, But where in the city was I know? 

I looked around. I spotted the billboard again, but as soon as I say it the building that it was smashed to bits and pieces, completely destroyed. An evil laugh was heard followed by, "Where are you tiny?" I froze in terror for a split second before turning the opposite way and running.

I ran down the street and saw some more familiar places; the parking garage that was destroyed, and a pile of rubble where the hospital used to be.

"There you are!" Dawn screamed as I felt an earthquake slowly start as she began to stomp towards me. Despite the tremors I ran as fast as I could. I made turns down every alley and street that I could to try and throw her off. 

Dawn didn't like that, whenever she would lose sight of me she would just rip apart a building that was blocking her line of sight. Clouds of dust and rubble surrounded me in all directions. 

I turned around just in time to see Dawn lift up a building and throw it towards me, I screamed and ducked for cover as the massive structure hurled towards me. 

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