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The dark shadowy figure moved towards me slowly. As they did the earthquake began again. I gripped onto the light pole that was next to the stairs. Soon The shadow got close enough to the hospital I could tell what it was... 

It was a human... They were taller than most of the buildings, probably a hundred times bigger than I was. When they walked their footsteps caused earthquakes. They had pretty, straight, light brown hair that hung over their shoulders. She had pretty blue eyes, and pink lips.  They were more on the thicker side, with larger boobs, a larger butt, and larger thighs. I hate to admit but she was pretty attractive, and her size just made everything look massive... 

She towered over me. She stared at me and I was frozen with fear. She was massive, and I had no clue what she was staring at me for... What was she planning..? 

"H-Hi there" She said. Her voice was pretty soft for being so big. "My name is Dawn" She had a pretty voice and it made me feel safe. No longer paralyzed by fear I stepped towards her. 

"Hi" I replied sheepishly.

"You're so small..." She replied.

"You're so big..." She giggled at my response. 

"Why don't you come here..?" She set her hand flat against the roof of the hospital. "Don't be scared... I wont hurt you" She smiled at me. 

I carefully and slowly stepped into her hand...


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