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I woke up and heard crying in the distance. I tried to determine where it was coming from and I tried to walk towards the sound. I headed down a street, it looked pretty familiar but I couldn't tell why, then I understood. This was where I had walked from the beach, I saw the bar, but something was different. 

Half the buildings were completely destroyed. The bar I had been in previously was now mostly rubble, the walls were dust and piles of bricks. It looked as if the street had been bombed, but it was probably Dawn exerting her power again.

The crying got louder and louder as I approached the beach. There I saw Gracey sitting on sand with her feet in the water, she was crying into her hands. I slowly watched from the street until I saw her grab a building and then throw it down the street I had came from. It smashed into a million pieces and a cloud of dust exploded from the impact. She said something to herself and the crying intensified. 

"Gracey..." I said as I slowly approached her, "What's wrong?"

"Tiny!?" She quickly turned and looked at me. "Oh you're alive!!" She quickly lunged towards me and grabbed me with her massive hands. "I'm so sorry!!! I'll never ever do anything like that again!!!!" She pulled me close and kissed me with her massive lips, smothering me. 

"It's okay Gracey!" I reassured her.

"I KILLED YOU!" She cried.

"I'm still here! I'm okay?"

"How do you keep coming back? How many times can you do that?!" She asked.

"I'm... I'm not sure..." I scratched my head when I noticed something funny, my watch had the number 4 on it. There was no way it could be four o'clock, It looked like it was almost midnight. "Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Gracey asked.

"Maybe my watch has the number! Of times I can die and come back, I wanna test it though." 

"YOU WHAT!?!" Gracey yelled.

"I want you to kill me, trust me I'll be alright!"

"If you say so..."

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