Two little time

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"2" Read the watch. I needed to tell Gracey and fast. I looked around the city. Only about a quarter of the buildings remained, the rest had been turned to dust. I saw The two giantess off in the distance. It looked like they were having a conversation. 

I began to jog towards them. As I got closer I could hear what they were saying.

"I didn't eat him again, remember I promised you I wouldn't ever again!" Dawn said.

"And you kept that promise?" Gracey replied.

"Of course I did!" Dawn giggled.

"Maybe I can trust you" Gracey said happily.

I vaulted over broken walls and piles of bricks. The streets were complete rubble and there were craters caused by stomping giants...

"Of course you can" Dawn said softly while setting her hand on Gracey's shoulder.

"Dawn... I think I love you..." 

I eventually made it to the bottom of the two giantess' feet. I screamed up at them and tried to get their attention. "HEY! GRACEY! DOWN HERE!!"  Gracey didn't move at all. 

"I love you too Gracey!" The two hugged almost stepping on me again.

"Alright, well we need to discus something..." Gracey said to Dawn.

I need to get their attention. I looked around, Gracey was standing pretty close to a building, maybe if I climbed up it I could get her attention. Maybe then I'd be able to be heard. 

Their voices became muffled as I ran into the building.

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