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I felt blinded... My vision was white, which soon became red.  I felt the area around me... 


Where am I? 

I rub my eyes and open them. I look up and see the blue sky, I look down and see sand, to my left is water, I'm on a beach. I checked my watch, it said "6". 

The last thing I remember was... Being eaten alive by that girl... Am I dead? Well obviously not, unless this is heaven. I looked at the city before me. Massive buildings and towers, then I saw the billboard, "Welcome to Kleine" it read. I saw the girl again, what was she doing? It seemed as if she was searching for something. I stood up and watched her.

Dawn walked up to a skyscraper and grabbed it with her hands. The sound of glass shattering could be heard from the safe distance of the beach. Then using all her might she ripped the building in half. The crunching of concrete could be heard from her hands. Then she lifted the building and in disappointment slammed it back down against the rest of the building. Dust and clouds of debris went everywhere. 

I stepped back, as I did I felt water on my feet. Maybe there's a Phone in one of the buildings I could use to call someone, anyone. 

I slowly start to wander into the city, going in the opposite direction of the giant girl who's tossing buildings around.

The town was built pretty simple and It was easy to navigate. Soon I came across a bar that had a sign that said "Free WIFI Inside" Maybe they'll have a phone then.

I wandered inside the bar, empty...

It was desolate, nobody behind the counter, no customers in the booths or at the bar itself. The building was dead silent, not a soul to be seen. Nothing and no one. Where is everyone..? Maybe the giantess already got them. That was a scary thought. Or maybe they escaped in time.  

I decided to hop over the counter and search the back room for a phone. Nothing, nothing at all.

I left the bar defeated and decided to walk down the street. I hung my head as I walked deeper into the city when all of a sudden a voice made me freeze.

"Hiya there!"

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