Chapter 40: Saving The Marriage

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From the previous chapter, Jack found a video of Mac kissing Nasha and Jack's attitude has begin to go ballistic. Penny came in to Phoenix Foundation to see everyone and Mac Jr saw Mac in the video. Penny saw Mac kissing Nasha and she's ready for her marriage to Mac to come to an end. Matty text to Oversight about Penny that she's headed for divorce and Oversight has to find Mac before it's too late. Oversight has stop the helicopter and he has to find Mac.
-"So, is your partner watch every single Bruce Willis movie?" Nasha asked.
Mac chuckles, -"Yeah and he's been a fan of him like a whole lot." Mac said.
-"I wish that you didn't have to leave so soon." Nasha said.
-"You know me, I have to see my kids and I miss them a lot." Mac said.
-"So, will you come back?" Nasha asked.
-"I will and I promise you." Mac said.
Mac kiss Nasha and Oversight found Mac kissing Nasha.
-"Mac." Oversight said.
Mac quickly pulls away and he saw Oversight.
-"What the hell have you done?" Oversight asked.
-"I was getting ready to see my kids." Mac said.
-"You know who you're forgetting." Oversight said.
Mac realized that he forgot all about Penny and now, he noticed that he cheated on her for Nasha.
-"P-Penny." Mac said.
-"Yeah and you are a married guy who decided to kiss her without knowing what you did to break Penny's heart. She's at home still crying her eyes out and getting ready to end the marriage." Oversight said.
-"I have to fix this." Mac said.
-"Let's go." Oversight said.
Oversight took Mac to the helicopter and taking him home.
Meanwhile, Jack is comforting Penny and Penny is still heartbroken.
-"Pen, I'm sorry that I told you to come to Phoenix Foundation." Jack said.
-"It doesn't matter and Mac probably loves his new girlfriend." Penny sobs.
-"Look Pen, Mac made a mistake and he didn't know what he was doing." Jack said.
-"What more can I ever say to him?" Penny asked.
-"Pen, Mac got kidnapped and Riley, Bozer, and Leanna are still looking for whoever these monsters did to Mac. The point is, Mac really loves you and he cares about you more than anything else in this world." Jack said.
-"If he were to say that, I would never want him to kiss someone who isn't his wife." Penny sobs.
-"I know Pen and I know how you're feeling right now." Jack said.
Mac came back from Nigeria with Oversight to apologize to Penny and he has now felt worse than ever.
-"Mac, I think you should know that Penny seen the video of you and Nasha that was paused." Oversight said.
-"Oh hell no." Mac said.
-"That's why Penny is going through this mess and I don't know if she's ever going to talk to you." Oversight said.
-"I want her to and I felt like it was something that I was injected to my arm. I didn't know what happened and I just remembered waking up until Nasha is standing there right in front of me." Mac said.
-"You were all the way in Nigeria." Oversight said.
-"How did that happen?" Mac asked.
-"We'll talk about that later." Oversight said.
Oversight and Mac came in to the house.
-"Jack, I didn't know that you were here." Mac said.
-"Mac, Penny is still heartbroken because of you." Jack said.
-"I know and I messed up with everything." Mac said.
-"Angus MacGyver." Penny angrily.
-"Penny, I can explain." Mac said.
-"You are going to lose us after what you did." Penny angrily.
-"Pen, please let me explain." Mac said.
-"You kiss Nasha." Penny angrily.
-"Babe, I'm sorry." Mac said.
-"I'm done and I'll take the kids with me." Penny angrily.
-"Pen, please don't do this." Mac said.
-"You are not going to see me again." Penny angrily.
-"Just stop Penny and I don't want you to leave me. I'm sorry about what I did and it's just that I never want this happen to us." Mac said.
-"Mac, you kiss Nasha and she's your type now." Penny said.
-"Pen, she's not my type and I don't know how I ended up all the way in Nigeria." Mac said.
-"I cannot go on like this no more and if you want the kids, have them not me." Penny said.
-"Oh for God sakes, the both of you need to stop with this goddamn argument and learn to work things out." Jack said.
-"Not until I move to the hotel." Penny said.
-"No Penny, please stop doing this." Mac said.
-"I can't Mac and you already kiss Nasha." Penny said.
-"Penny, I'm sorry that I kiss her and I didn't know that I was in Nigeria." Mac said.
-"I have to get out of here." Penny said.
-"C'mon Pen, we have to work things out." Mac said.
-"No Mac, it's never going to work out." Penny said.
-"Please Pen, please." Mac said.
-"Guys, please stop with your damn arguments and this is not the time for you two to fight like this." Jack said.
-"I have never seen you two like this before and this needs to be worked out." Oversight said.
-"You know what, I'm done." Penny said.
-"Penny, please stop and let me work things out with you." Mac said.
-"If you did, I wouldn't be arguing with you and I can't do this anymore." Penny said.
-"Pen, I don't want you to leave me and our kids. You're carrying our baby and I wouldn't have you to stress out." Mac said
-"Mac, I just want you to be happy with Nasha not me." Penny said.
-"Pen, I don't want Nasha and I love you more than anything else in this world with our children." Mac said.
-"I need to leave because I'm too angry and hurt at the same time." Penny said.
-"But Pen, I don't want you to leave me and I don't want to start a fight with you anymore." Mac said.
-"I feel the same way and it's not fair for the kids to see the video of you kissing Nasha. It's also not fair for me to go through this and I just can't keep doing this." Penny said.
-"I know that Pen but please babe, I'm really sorry for what I done." Mac said.
-"I need to think about it." Penny said.
-"Pen, please." Mac said.
Penny grabbed her stuff and walked out of the house. Mac felt really horrible about what he done and he's facing the consequences on why he cheated on Penny.
-"Mac, I know that you are upset and maybe you should let Penny alone." Jack said.
-"Why should I be the one whose forgetting my wife? How can I ever do this to her?" Mac said.
Penny came back to the house and she stood there as she heard the whole conversation.
-"Mac, you know that Penny is still upset but she always love you and I know that you kiss Nasha. You made that mistake in the first place and you have to understand that Penny needs her time alone." Oversight said.
-"I know but I can't let her raise the kids alone and I love her." Mac said.
-"Mac, you've been doing great with your marriage to Penny and she just wanted you so bad. I can tell that you have feelings for her." Jack said.
-"I really do and I just can't keep on and on about Nasha. It was my fault for staying in Nigeria which I wasn't allowed to go home and I really did miss Penny and my kids. I can't believe that Nasha has the guts to be my girlfriend and I feel like I was forgetting everything. I didn't know that the drone was sent all the way to Nigeria and I felt stupid for not saying no to Nasha. I'm not feeling like it's the same me and I feel like that I'm a different person." Mac said.
-"I know Mac and you're going to fix the way you were before." Oversight said.
-"I will and I never meant to hurt her for this. I don't want to do this anymore and I want Penny more than anything else in the world. She's the best mother to our children and she's carrying our baby with her. I love her and I would die with her." Mac said.
-"Mac." Penny said.
Jack, Mac, and Oversight looks at Penny just standing there.
-"Babe, I'm really sorry for what I done and I shouldn't do that to you and our kids." Mac said.
Penny dropped her stuff and walks over to them, -"Mac, I don't want anymore cheating." Penny said.
Mac growls at Penny, -"You think that you can leave me." Mac said.
-"You know that I am." Penny said.
-"I don't think so." Mac said.
Mac kiss Penny so much and Jack is all confused.
-"Alright love birds, quit." Jack said.
Mac pulls away and he hugs Penny so much. Penny couldn't let go of Mac and she always love Mac more than anything.
-"Mac, I knew you would learned your lesson and always keep Penny happy." Oversight said.
-"I will keep my promise for keeping Penny happy and I don't think Nasha isn't important to me." Mac said.
-"She's not and I know that I am." Penny said.
-"Always baby girl." Mac said.
Mac is never going to leave Penny for Nasha and Penny always love Mac more than anything. Even though, Murdoc is still around somewhere and he has escaped out of jail again.

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