Chapter 7: Mac

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Mac and Penny are in love with their future as they are happy about their baby. Jack came over to see Mac and Penny.
-"Hey guys." Jack said.
-"Hey Jack, it's so great to see you again." Penny said.
-"We have some news for you." Mac said.
-"Tell me buddy." Jack said.
-"Well I'm pregnant." Penny said.
-"What the hell did you do?" Jack asked.
-"Well I thought about having a baby and we wanted to be a family." Penny said.
-"So, Mac's baby is going to be a boy or a girl." Jack said.
-"Our baby will be whatever it is right now and we'll still love our baby." Mac said.
-"I think we are going to be the best parents." Penny said.
-"Me too love." Mac said.
-"Can I ask you a question?" Jack asked.
-"Umm sure." Penny said.
-"How old are you?" Jack asked.
-"Easy. 27." Penny said.
-"So you are same age as Mac." Jack said.
-"Of course I am." Penny said.
-"Are you ever going to dye your hair into blonde like Mac?" Jack asked.
-"No and I stick with my auburn hair." Penny said.
-"She's a keeper." Mac said.
-"I'm glad that you love her." Jack said
-"Well she's all mine and no one wouldn't date her." Mac said.
-"Well my last relationship was someone that I dated for almost two years." Penny said.
-"Umm Penny, I think I should leave." Jack said.
-"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mac asked.
-"I need to talk to you alone." Jack said.
Mac and Jack went to the balcony for a private talk.
-"You dated Penny but why did you feel like you don't know her." Mac said.
-"Look Mac, Penny and I had a rough relationship between January to November." Jack said.
-"Well that's the problem between the two of you and Penny has changed since the break up from you." Mac said.
-"You two are a happy couples and expecting a baby." Jack said.
-"Penny is my first love that I ever had and you two had been getting a long really great. Just stop acting like a fool and relax." Mac said.
-"Maybe I will." Jack said.
-"Mac, I need you." Penny said.
-"Coming sweetheart." Mac said.
-"Just think about it Mac, she's doing the same thing as my ex girlfriend." Jack said.
-"Penny's fine with this and just shut up and come." Mac said.
-"Okay." Jack said.
Mac and Jack walk back to the living room as they saw Nikki.
-"Nikki?" Mac questioned.

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