Chapter 21: Rocking The Cradles

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It only took 9 weeks as Penny is keeping a close eye on her pregnancy while Mac is still went on the mission with the crew. Jill came in as she started to help them team but she had her eyes on Mac.
-"Okay team, we're on a mission for the search of Robert Griffin." Matty said.
-"Penny mentioned that when Nikki had legally signed for Murdoc and Ghost." Mac said.
-"So where is he now?" Riley asked.
-"He's at Sam's Bar." Matty said.
-"There's the big problem and where's Jack?" Bozer asked.
-"I think I know where he's at." Oversight said.
-"Where?" Mac questioned.
-"He always go to the bar everyday." Oversight said.
-"Oh Mac, I think I was having trouble at the lab for something and you mind fix it." Jill said as she drinks her wine.
-"Uh I can't and Bozer can help." Mac said.
-"Bozer the fixer can help." Bozer said.
-"Okay team, go get to work and Mac, I need to speak to you private." Matty said.
The crew went out of the room as Matty shuts the glass windows and Mac felt so heavy with himself to know what happen between him and Jill.
-"Mac, Jill had came to me two weeks ago about you had affair with Jill." Matty said.
-"Matty, Jill is flirting with me while I have a wife and the twins along the way." Mac said.
-"I must say she wants you and Penny to be divorced while Penny is carrying your twins. I don't know why she wants you." Matty said.
-"Me neither but she should know that I'm a married guy and a father." Mac said.
-"That's true." Matty said.
-"I bet Penny is at home while she's rocking the cradles." Mac said.
-"She is and Penny had to do some exercise that I bought her from the baby shower." Matty said.
-"That's good but I really miss her coming here with us." Mac said.
-"I know you do Mac but she maybe an understudy and she's going to be a stay home mom." Matty said.
-"An understudy?" Mac questioned.
-"Yes and Penny and I talked it over about becoming an understudy." Matty said.
-"Oh. I just thought she can come visit us." Mac said.
-"She will and I talked to her about it. I think the twins would want to see you every time." Matty said.
-"I just love our family and I will never let go of Penny and the twins." Mac said.
-"Guess that's how Jill wants to keep a close eye on you." Matty said.
-"Great." Mac angrily.
-"Mac, calm down." Matty said.
-"Calm down? Calm down? I will not calm down because I want Jill to leave me alone." Mac angrily.
-"Mac, I'll get you some water." Matty ran out as Jill came in and Mac breathe heavy as he's so mad at Jill. Jill puts her laptop down as she walks over to Mac and Mac didn't want to face to Jill.
-"If you come near me then I will leave from this damn Phoenix Foundation." Mac said.
Jill froze as she didn't take another step and she took 9 steps away from Mac.
-"What's your problem?" Jill asked.
-"You want to know what's my problem." Mac angrily.
-"Mac, you feeling alright." Jill said.
-"No because I don't want you to bother me about meeting you at the park at 9:40 and I never want to be with you." Mac angrily.
-"I just want to talk nor I would ever do that to you." Jill said.
-"I can't believe you nor I can't trust you at all." Mac angrily.
-"I just thought maybe we can hang out." Jill said.
-"No. You just don't get it very clear in your head and I'm a married guy and a father." Mac angrily.
-"I just thought we can just have some wine but I guess not." Jill said as she walks out and slams the door.

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