Chapter 22: Penny

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The next 9 weeks as Mac looks at Penny with a smile. Penny uncovers the blanket and she smiles at Mac.
-"Hey babe, you look really attractive even though you're pregnant." Mac said.
-"Oh Mac." Penny said.
Mac kiss her cheek as he felt the twins and Penny feels really happy.
-"Baby, I think we should start packing up for the hospital." Mac said.
-"Let's get this done with." Penny said.
Mac and Penny are bringing some stuff to the hospital but Penny is struggling with the bag. Mac came over to help Penny and he put blankets in the bag.
-"Babe, we are so lucky to do this for our children." Mac said.
-"Me too baby." Penny said.
-"It won't be long until the they get here." Mac said.
-"Oh my, my little ones are kicking me so hard." Penny said.
-"They are probably saying that they love you." Mac said.
-"Aww." Penny said.
-"Jack and them should be here." Mac said.
Penny is having trouble getting up as Mac helped her and Mac loves his twins so much. She feels so happy with the twins as her stomach started to slosh a little until her water broke.
-"Babe, we have to get you to the hospital right now." Mac said.
Penny starts walking downstairs and she is still in labor. Mac grabs the bag as he ran downstairs to meet up with Penny and Jack opens the door.
-"Jack, move out of the way." Mac said.
Jack moves aside and Penny walks towards to the car.
-"Let's go guys." Bozer said.
-"The babies are coming." Riley said.
-"I'm on it." Jack said.
They ran to the car as they are all in the car and Jack drove them off to the hospital until the traffic jam without getting to the hospital.
-"Jack, what's going on?" Oversight asked.
-"Traffic jam." Jack said.
-"Babe, I'm still in pain with this labor." Penny said.
-"Baby, it's going to be alright." Mac said.
-"How much further are we to the hospital?" Riley asked.
-"It may take like 3 hours to get there to the hospital." Jack said.
-"Jack, here's what I want you to do and just pull over to that side while all of the cars pass us." Matty said.
Jack pulls over and Leanna grabs a blanket to cover Penny.
-"Penny, I want you to calm down and Mac, grab her hand to make her to feel relax." Oversight said.
Mac grabs Penny's hand and Oversight told Penny what to do with labor. It took 6 hours when Penny gave birth to a baby girl and Oversight hands the baby girl to Matty. In 5 hours later, Penny gave birth to a baby boy and Oversight hands the baby boy to Leanna.
-"Baby, you were wonderful." Mac said.
-"Oh Mac, I couldn't risk of losing you when you are here with me." Penny said as she is in tears.
Mac suddenly begin in tears, "I could've done without you being in my life to be the mother to our beautiful twins in the world." Mac sobs.
Matty and Leanna wraps the twins with blankets and they gave them to Penny.
-"Oh hi my little ones." Penny sobs.
-"Thank you guys for being here with us and we're really glad that you two are here with us." Mac sobs.
-"I'll name this baby girl Mackenzie Ann MacGyver and I'll name him Angus "Mac" MacGyver the third." Penny sobs.
-"That's my girl." Mac sobs.
-"Welcome to the family Mackenzie and Mac." Matty sobs.
-"Way to go buddy." Jack sobs.
-"My grandkids, you guys are really perfect to the world with your parents and I'm your grandpa." Oversight said.
Mac and Penny are one happy family by giving birth to their twins: Mackenzie Ann and Angus "Mac" MacGyver the third to welcome the crew for their addition to the family.
-"Congrats guys." Bozer sobs.
-"I'm very happy for you both." Riley sobs.
-"We are so glad to see the twins." Leanna sobs.
-"Thank you guys." Penny sobs.
-"Thanks guys." Mac sobs.

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