Chapter 24: The Memories

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After the big day that the twins came to see their dad Mac at Phoenix Foundation, Mac went to the undercover mission and he fell down somewhere in the sewer. He was knocked out unconscious and Murdoc came to Mac as he drags him to his secret base where no one will find him. Meanwhile at Phoenix Foundation, Matty hasn't seen Mac because he never shown up and she felt worry if something might happened.
-"So where's Mac?" Jack asked.
-"He has gone missing somewhere." Matty said.
-"Should you call Penny?" Oversight asked.
-"We can't do this to Penny because she will get upset." Riley said.
-"Riley's right, we must not call Penny about this situation right now." Matty said.
Mac woke up as he saw himself in handcuffs and the IV is in his arm by drawing out the blood. He didn't look too good as he looks around and he saw no one is here.
-"Hello! Is anyone here?" Mac shouted.
Murdoc came in, -"Hello Angus, I knew I will come back for you. I see that you are stuck with this place for good." Murdoc said.
-"Murdoc, the one question is why are you out of jail for one thing." Mac said.
-"Because I have my ways to escape as they thought I can't do anything but they don't know my secret tricks at all." Murdoc said.
-"You are the one to be in trouble with you escaping." Mac said.
-"You are very smart Angus but they will never find me here with this secret base." Murdoc said.
-"Just let me out." Mac said.
-"No I won't besides, I will come find your wife and the twins." Murdoc said.
Mac got so mad as he tries to get out, -"Don't hurt yourself Angus, you didn't have to get all mad." Murdoc said as he got up and he slapped Mac in the face as he step on his feet. Mac felt the pain so much as Murdoc walks up the stairs, -"I'll be back to check on you so don't move a muscle and there's no way to escape." Murdoc said as he shuts the door but he secure the door because the door is metal.
Mac is left in the room by himself but he has to think fast before Murdoc comes back. He found a way to break off the handcuffs and get unloose. Mac use a hook to get his leg unloose from the handcuffs. He got up as he looks horrible and he use some of his ideas to get out. Mac finally made it as the door is open and he couldn't hardly walk too good. He kept on walking as he kept on hearing Murdoc in his head and he tries to figure his way out. Mac went to the other way and as he found his way out of the sewer. He look like he was drunk but he was hallucenating as he kept on walking. Mac couldn't walk that much further as he saw some people to see if anyone can help him, -"Help me." Mac weaken his words as he passed out and the people are calling for help.
Mac woke up as he saw the crew and his kids, -"What happened to me?" Mac asked.
-"The people had told us that you passed out from walking as you was trying to get to the other side." Penny said.
-"It looks like that Murdoc has drawn the blood from your arm and he hallucenated you." Jack said.
-"I don't remembered anything about him putting a needle in my arm by drawing the blood." Mac said.
-"You mean that you don't remember Murdoc putting a needle in your arm." Bozer said.
-"I really don't." Mac said.
-"We should give you a memory test to see if you can remembered some of the things that Murdoc did to you." Matty said.
Mac Jr looks at Mac with a smile even though he missed him, -"Son, I missed you too but Daddy has to do some memory test to see if I can remembered things." Mac said.
-"Riley, I need you to find the location when Mac tells you the place that he's been and Penny, you stay here with me." Matty said.
-"Let's go guys." Oversight said.
They went outside as Matty and Penny are giving Mac the memory test as the twins are having fun with their stuffed animals.
-"Mac, where was the last place you were at before you was hallucenated." Matty said.
-"I remembered walking down the street and I didn't know there was no lid to the sewer so I fell down. I became unconscious so I felt like someone had dragged me to the secret base -" Mac said as his head hurts.
-"It's alright baby, you're doing great and don't give up." Penny said.
-"Thanks babe. So as I woke up from this secret base, I hollered to see if anyone is here until then I saw Murdoc came in to his secret base where no one can find him. I remembered he was wanting to get you and our twins." Mac said.
-"Did he say anything else besides Penny and the twins?" Riley asked.
-"No." Mac said.
-"That's very interesting." Penny said.
-"Alright guys, come back in." Matty said.
-"That's just all of the case that there ever is." Leanna said.
-"Yes, which is all that Murdoc wants." Mac said.
-"That crazy pyshco is going to pay for this." Jack said.
-"We just need a better plan." Oversight said.
-"I think that we should find him and this time is a war between us against Murdoc." Bozer said.
-"I like where you are going with this." Leanna said.
-"I agree Leanna and which that's exactly what we are going to be doing as I think that Bozer has that perfect idea." Matty said.
-"Murdoc even said that he will come back for me but I also found my way out." Mac said.
-"You found your way out on the other side of the street." Penny said.
-"How did you know?" Mac asked.
-"Sweetie, I was right there putting the twins in the car after I was putting some stuff we need in the trunk and that's why I was worrying about you, love." Penny said.
-"Thanks for saving my life baby, I love you." Mac said.
-"You're welcome baby and I love you too." Penny said.
Mac kiss Penny as the twins smiled at their parents and Riley looks at the twins with a smile.

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