Chapter 9: Second Thoughts

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Mac isn't going to give up with everything that he done.
-"Let's go Mac." Penny said.
-"Coming." Mac said.
-"I'll come too." Nikki said.
-"Keep an eye on her and Nikki, I got my eyes on you." Matty said.
So Mac, Penny, Jack, Riley, and Nikki went on the mission to stop Murdoc with the money.
-"There's the casino." Riley said.
-"Come out to the party." Jack said.
-"Jack, shut up." Mac said.
-"Hey, it only works with a lot of ideas." Jack said.
-"Let's go." Nikki said.
They got out of car and Penny feels a little funny.
-"Penny, you feeling alright." Mac said.
Penny feels a little sick and Mac came to the back with her.
-"Honey, what's wrong." Mac said.
-"It's a complicated thing to say." Penny said.
-"Are you having a second thoughts about us?" Mac asked.
-"No love, I never want to lose you as my first love and the baby's father." Penny said.
-"Babe, you may want to have a break from the Phoenix Foundation so that you won't hurt your back." Mac said.
-"So are you guys coming?" Jack asked.
-"You guys can go ahead." Mac said.
Jack, Riley, and Nikki went in the casino without Mac and Penny.
-"I'm not even been showing yet." Penny said.
-"I know but you will have to take a break from the Phoenix Foundation when you will be 4 months pregnant." Mac said.
-"I'm aware of that and our baby will know what to do for the best." Penny said.
-"I'm glad babe." Mac said as he kiss her cheek.
-"You are keeping a little surprise for me." Penny said.
-"Of course I do Penny and I have something for you." Mac said.
-"What is it sweetie?" Penny asked.
Mac grab the engagement ring box out of his pocket and Penny is in tears.
-"Penny, since the day that I met you and you are having our baby. I'm glad that I dated you but you were my first love after I dated Nikki and you did such an amazing job for joining us for the Phoenix Foundation as our new agent. So I'm just going to spill the beans and will you marry me." Mac said as he opens the box.
-"Yes." Penny sobs as her tears rolls down from her cheeks.
Mac took the ring out of the box as he slid the engagement ring on to her left ring finger. Penny kiss Mac as they will never let go of their future together and Penny is so happy that she's engaged and a mother.
-"Hello? Hello? Mac? Hey Mac, are you going to say something." Jack said.
Mac pulls away, -"Yeah and I got some great news to say." Mac said.
-"Let me guess Mac, you're engaged to our new agent." Matty said.
-"Dammit, I forget to turn down the volume." Mac said.
-"Congrats buddy." Jack said.
-"Thanks man and Penny loves the engagement ring." Mac said.
-"Sweetie, you was so crazy with me and I think it was pretty much great." Penny said.
-"Umm Jack, we got company." Riley said.
-"I'll handle this." Nikki said.
-"Nikki, are you crazy?" Penny asked.
-"Nikki, if you do this to the ski masters then you'll get killed for God sakes." Jack said.
-"It's the only way to keep you guys safe." Nikki said.
-"I won't let you, Nikki." Mac said.
-"Just let it go Mac, you already have a fiance." Matty said.
-"I know that." Mac said.
-"Damn Matty, it's not like he cares about his ex but he's fully in love with Penny." Jack said.
Nikki is walking towards Murdoc with the money as she pulls the gun.
-"Nikki Carpenter, just the girl that I was looking for and you are with Mac and his crew." Murdoc said.
-"That's not important Murdoc, hand over the money." Nikki said.
-"Penny, I'm keeping the money so that Mac will be killed." Murdoc said.
-"Oh hell no Murdoc, he's my ex boyfriend and you know what you did to him." Nikki said.
-"You will learn to stay out of this." Murdoc said.
Jack and Riley came towards Nikki and Murdoc.
-"Give her the damn money right now." Jack said.
-"Well. Well. Well. If it is Jack and Riley from the last mission when I stabbed Cage." Murdoc said.
-"Yeah well she's in a stable condition and she's been feeling better." Riley said.
-"What? That's impossible." Murdoc said.
-"Yeah well hand over the money." Jack said.
-"You heard him." Nikki said.
-"Fine but this fortune is perfect to destroy the team." Murdoc said.
-"Not on my watch." Matty said.
-"Matilda Webber, you just want to play games with me and you are just in time." Murdoc said.
-"I don't play games with you like you can just joke about it every time." Matty said.
-"Well, where's that gadet dude to try to destroy me." Murdoc said.
Mac and Penny came in together and Murdoc is very shock.
-"Murdoc." Penny said.
-"Penny, you are so beautiful to look at and may I must say that you are so hot." Murdoc said.
-"She's my fiance." Mac said.
-"Macky Mac, you are just the person that I was waiting for and how was the search for finding your old man." Murdoc said.
-"I don't have time to talk and give us the money." Mac said.
-"Hey, get lost." Bartender said.
-"Hey, we're the Phoenix Foundation team and if you tell us to get lost then I'll make you to get lost." Matty said.
-"Sorry ma'am." Bartender said.
-"Would I ever give you the money?" Murdoc asked.
-"You better and this is not going to make you any fun." Matty said.
-"Fine." Murdoc said.
The spinner hit double 0 and the Phoenix Foundation team had won the money.
-"This won't be the end." Murdoc said as he grab his gun out of his pocket and he shot the light bulbs as the room is dark.

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