Chapter 33: Family History

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Mac has some family memories for his kids to look at. Mac Jr looks at Mac with a big smile.
-"Son, you will always be a happy baby boy." Mac said.
-"Aww, the kids are happy to be in the family album." Penny said.
-"They are a lot happier and they never met their grandma." Mac said.
-"That's okay dear and you do have the picture of her." Penny said.
-"Yes I do and the twins will know their grandma in the picture." Mac said.
Mac flip through the pages of the family album until the picture of his mom is gone. He felt a little bit hurt after the picture of his mom is gone and he suspected that his dad has something to do with it.
-"What's wrong baby?" Penny asked.
-"I think my dad took the picture of my mom out of this album." Mac said.
-"I can't believe it but why would he do this to you." Penny said.
-"My dad doesn't deserve to do this to me and she's my mom." Mac said.
-"Baby, try to calm down and don't do this in front of our children. Just go to the kitchen and call your dad to come over here and make sure you tell him to bring the picture of your mom back." Penny said.
-"You're right baby and I never want to throw the anger on you and our children." Mac said.
-"Thanks baby." Penny said as she kiss Mac's cheek.
Mac smiles and he got up to go to the kitchen. He called Oversight to come over and bring the picture of his mom. The twins are laughing at Penny as Penny is making a funny faces at them and Mac always knew that his dad is acting too suspicious. Mac came in to the living room and Mac Jr wants him. He picks up Mac Jr, -"Hey son, you are a lot like me." Mac said.
-"Yeah." Mac Jr said.
-"Our little Mac is being too cute." Penny said.
-"He sure is and our new son will be here soon." Mac said.
-"He will be here and making a new room for our baby will be a lot of work." Penny said.
-"Well I can have the crew to help." Mac said.
-"That will be great dear." Penny said.
-"Momma." Kenzie said.
-"Aww, baby girl." Penny said.
-"Milk." Kenzie said.
-"Let's go to the kitchen baby girl." Penny said.
Penny took Kenzie to the kitchen to get her some milk for her bottle. Mac took Mac Jr to the kitchen too. They all went to the kitchen together and they both put the twins in their high chairs. Oversight knocks on the door and Mac went to the living room to get the door. Mac opens it, -"Dad, I want the picture of my mom." Mac said.
-"Mac, I'm not going to do this anymore." Oversight said.
-"Oh so how the hell was I supposed to do about my life? What about the picture of my mom that was meant for me to keep in my damn family album?" Mac asked.
-"Look Mac, you are not going to have the picture of your mom." Oversight said.
-"I need that picture of my mom and I want my children to see what she looks like." Mac said.
-"You can't have it." Oversight said.
-"Why not?" Mac asked.
-"Because I'm keeping the picture of her." Oversight said.
-"There's no way in the hell that you would do this to me and I'm sick of you for trying not going to hand over the picture of my mom." Mac said.
-"You don't understand the reasons." Oversight said.
-"You're right. I don't understand but just know this, you will never ever do this to me again and that picture was meant for me to keep." Mac said.
-"You are so like your mom and I wish you were never act like this." Oversight said.
Mac slapped Oversight across his face, -"Give me the picture of my mom." Mac said.
-"Fine." Oversight said as he reached in his pocket of the picture of Mac's mom and he handed to him.
-"Thank you." Mac angrily as he slammed the door on Oversight. Oversight walks away from the house after the argument between Mac and Mac's mom.
Penny and the twins are having fun in the kitchen. Mac put the picture of his mom in the family album and he finally calms down. He walks to the kitchen and Penny looks at Mac.
-"Hey sweetie." Penny said.
-"Hey babe." Mac said as he kissed her shoulder.
-"You feeling alright." Penny said.
-"Yeah and I got the picture of your grandma." Mac said.
The twins smiled and claps their little hands.
-"I wonder who taught them how to clap." Penny said.
-"It's always me." Mac said.
-"You sure are a great husband and father the same time." Penny said.
-"Always baby." Mac said.
-"C'mon babies, let's go to the living room and see the picture of your grandma." Penny said.
Kenzie is very excited but Mac Jr is being a silly baby again. They grabbed the twins out of their high chairs and took them to the living room. Mac and Penny both sat down as they put the twins in the middle. Mac grabs the family album and he flipped to the last page of the picture of his mom.
-"See you guys, that's your grandma." Mac said.
-"Grammy." Kenzie said.
-"Grammy." Mac Jr said.
-"I guess they can call her that." Penny said.
-"I always say that we have the most beautiful twins in the world and they can call her whatever they want." Mac said.
-"I think our son wants to call her Grammy too." Penny said as she rubs her stomach.
Mac felt the baby with his hand, -"Of course he does." Mac said.
As Mac has never been so happy with his family so much and he started to forget all about the argument with his dad. Penny is still having fun with the twins and the new baby along away. Mac always keep a touch with his mom from the picture and even though he missed her a lot. Oversight came home with anger on his face and Jack came out of nowhere. He felt a little jump scared by Jack, -"Jack." Oversight said.
-"You are so lucky to be a great father, huh." Jack said.
-"What do you want, Jack?" Oversight asked.
-"James. Oversight. Whatever the hell your name is. You are such a damn idiot for keeping the picture of Mac's mommy." Jack said.
-"I can't help it, Jack. I missed her dearly." Oversight said.
-"So does Mac. You don't take the picture away from Mac like that and he missed her too. You're supposed to share the loss with Mac and all you do is keeping the picture away from Mac." Jack said.
-"Just get out." Oversight said.
-"I will and last thing, nice having your face slapped by Mac." Jack said as he ran out the door.
-"Dang it." Oversight said.

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