Chapter 8: Back to Nikki

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-"Mac, I miss you so much." Nikki said.
-"This is really ridiculous and I thought that you was in jail." Mac said.
-"Oh she is and we are going to have a deep serious talk." Matty said.
-"Sit down." Penny said.
They all sat down and Nikki is stay silent.
-"Talk now, Nikki." Bozer said.
-"So Murdoc had took the money on the run." Nikki said.
-"Where did the money go?" Jack asked.
-"He got the money from the bank and took off." Nikki said.
Riley looked up where Murdoc was last been found, -"It looks like that Murdoc was at the bank and took the money to the casino with the guy." Riley said.
-"Who's the guy?" Jack asked.
-"Robert Griffin." Riley said.
-"Robert Griffin is the one who was working with Murdoc and taking the money to the casino area." Penny said.
-"Penny, you are so smart to know the answer." Jack said.
-"Well I knew about it the whole time." Penny said.
-"Matty, I think we should do something that we can work out on a plan." Mac said.
-"What kind of plan?" Matty asked.
-"We can figure out with us separated during the mission." Mac said.
-"Okay and I'm going to say that you and Penny will go to the back of the casino and Jack and Riley, you guys will go in to the casino and talk to Robert from any information about the money and Murdoc." Matty said.
-"So, you think that anything would work for the money and Murdoc was a money fraud." Bozer said.
-"Yes and that's why Murdoc has the money for spending all of money for poker and money slot machine." Penny said.
-"Why the hell Murdoc would do that to the money?" Jack asked.
-"Murdoc was making a big agreement if he make sure that he wins the jackpot with the money then he's rich or if he doesn't then it's a bankrupt." Penny said.
-"God Penny, you are so smart." Matty said.
-"That's my girl." Mac said.

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