Chapter 12: Murdoc Escape

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-"Just what the hell is he ever be a villain with a stupid idea?" Matty asked.
-"Well I can tell you for one thing that Murdoc wants the biggest revenge than he was been tricked with company." Penny said.
-"I think I'm just getting an ol' Cracker Jack." Jack said.
-"Keep it up Dalton, you are acting like an idiot." Matty said.
-"I was going to get some Cracker Jack." Jack said.
-"Not now. For this serious problem here that we are discussing for this mission." Matty said.
-"So, how would he hacked Nikki's laptop to pretend to be her for the invite?" Mac asked.
-"He has some certain ways to hack anything." Penny said.
-"Penny's right and I checked all of the files as they are kept on popping up." Riley said.
-"On that 12th data, there's a file that Nikki had kept and it does has something to do with Murdoc." Mac said.
-"So you're telling us that this is about Murdoc." Bozer said.
-"As far from the file that does has something to do with Murdoc and Riley, can you open the file." Mac said.
Riley opens the file and there was a whole document about Murdoc.
-"What does all that means?" Leanna asked.
-"It means that Murdoc had himself to be the best villain and there's a weird feeling that he's hiding something from Mac." Penny said.
-"So, how did he get you into this? Did he say anything to you about me?" Mac asked.
-"He said he has a big revenge on you but he won't tell me what it is." Penny said.
-"I think he should give us the information about this." Riley said.
-"We may have to figure out a way." Penny said.
-"What about our wedding?" Mac asked.
-"That will make it worse if he brought the gun to the wedding." Bozer said.
-"Bozer's right, we can't have him come to the wedding and we'll figure it out." Leanna said.
Bozer turns on the radio for some music but it got interrupted by the news.
News speaker: Just in, a shocking to have announced that Murdoc had escaped out of jail today and if anyone had seen him, must report us right away.
-"Murdoc strikes again." Jack said.
-"Lets find Murdoc." Mac said.
-"There's the location over that side of the town and he's heading out the west." Riley said.
-"Let's get him." Penny said.
The team went on a search to find Murdoc.
-"I bet he thinks this is the chance of getting the Phoenix Foundation." Penny said.
-"Not on my watch he won't." Mac said.
-"Mac, we got company behind us." Riley said.
-"Don't worry about it and there's nothing we can do about this." Mac said.
-"You heard the man, he knows exactly what he's doing." Jack said.
-"Oh no." Riley said.
Jack looks at right straight ahead and Mac had to figure out a plan.
-"Murdoc is right there." Riley said.
-"Let's get out of here." Jack said.
-"I got the plan for this mission and now let's go." Mac said.
Jack stopped the van for a parking spot. The team came out of the van and Murdoc already had his gun out.
-"Murdoc, you came about the agreement." Mac said.
-"Oh yes, I knew you would showed up but may I say that your fiance is the perfect bride to start a life with you." Murdoc said.
-"Murdoc, this isn't about my fiance and it's about you hacking to Nikki's laptop." Mac said.
-"I already knew she had to figure out that it was me who did all of the files to come up on any computers and I was glad to recognize that there was a photo of you and Nikki." Murdoc said.
-"Murdoc, you are just trying to get the information about the Phoenix Foundation and knowing about my ex's business." Mac said.
-"Jack? Jack?" Matty answers.
-"Matty, Mac and Murdoc are arguing and it's more like on Steve Wilkos and Jerry Springer." Jack said.
-"I'll get the CIA and to get Murdoc to be put away. I think that's why Mac had to do exactly what I told him to do by arguing Murdoc." Matty said.
-"Nevermind." Jack said.
-"That's what I thought." Matty said.
-"You know that this gun will go straight to your head and boom, you're gone." Murdoc said.
-"Riley, you found anything else yet." Penny said.
-"Not yet and oh, there's something that I found." Riley said.
The CIA crew and the police came to get Murdoc to be put away again.
-"Mac, you feeling alright there." Jack said.
-"Yeah I'm fine." Mac said.
-"I'm glad you are babe and we are so going to do this for our kids." Penny said.
-"It won't be long when the baby comes to my life and I want to be there for you guys." Mac said.
-"I always wanted this to be a perfect life for us together." Penny said.
-"It certainly will be." Mac said as he kiss her cheek.
Murdoc is back in jail again for escaping and he can't figure his way out of jail as he was now stuck forever.

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