Chapter 20: Baby Shower

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After the team had fun spending time with Mac at the hospital, Mac came home from hospital in 5 days just to see Penny.
-"Sweetie." Penny said.
-"Hey baby." Mac said.
Mac and Penny hug as he kiss her head.
-"I miss you so much." Penny said.
-"I miss you too so much." Mac said.
Jill came in to see Mac, -"Hey Mac." Jill said.
-"Hey Jill." Mac said.
-"So how's your arm feeling?" Jill asked.
-"My arm is getting better so I'm very happy to see my wife and our twins in the stomach just ready to be born." Mac said.
-"Did you ever happen to get a secret phone call?" Jill asked.
-"No I haven't because of my arm." Mac said.
-"What kind of secret phone call?" Penny asked.
-"Oh nothing just to make sure about the mission that he missed." Jill lied.
-"Mac, the twins missed you while you was away." Penny said.
Mac put his hand on Penny's stomach, -"Hey my twins, I miss you guys so much and at least Mommy took care of you guys. I love you guys." Mac said.
-"Aww, you guys are perfect together and I hope you guys love each other." Jill said as she walks out to her car.
-"Jill, wait." Mac said.
-"Let her go." Penny said.
-"I wonder what's her problem." Mac said.
-"Hmm, I don't know what's her problem." Penny said.
-"Did you have anything to do this?" Mac asked.
-"Baby, I was eating my lunch and I was taking a nap." Penny said.
-"Okay babe, at least I have a surprise for you." Mac said.
-"You do." Penny said.
-"C'mon down guys." Mac said.
The crew came down as they have the gifts for Penny.
-"Mac, thank you much baby." Penny said.
-"You're welcome baby girl and I thought about throwing you a baby shower just for you." Mac said.
Penny kiss Mac and Jill calls Mac on the phone. Mac's cell phone ring as he quickly pulls away, -"I better take this baby." Mac said.
-"Okay." Penny said.
Mac answers it, -"Hey." Mac said.
-"Mac, I want you to meet me by the park tomorrow night at 9:40." Jill said.
-"Sorry, I can't because I'm not interested with this silly games." Mac said as he hangs up on Jill.
-"Now we can start the baby shower." Riley said.
-"Okay so we got the presents for the twins can wear." Leanna said.
-"Let's get the gifts unwrapped." Bozer said.
-"Okay." Penny said.
Penny unwraps all of the gifts and Mac is really happy to be home for the baby shower surprise for Penny.

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