Chapter 29: Missing Out

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After the argument between Mac and Nikki, it took 5 weeks to get over from the argument. The twins are being too fussy and Mac gets up to quiet the twins down. Penny felt so much pain in her back and she gets up to go to the bathroom. She shuts the door and starts to puke. Mac calms them down with their rattles and he always keep a touch with the twins. Penny is feeling better but now she has been thinking that she could be pregnant again. Mac finally got the twins asleep even though it was only 4:50 in the morning and he went back to the bedroom until he saw Penny was not in the bed.
-"Baby." Mac said.
-"I'm in the bathroom, dear." Penny said.
-"Are you sure that you're feeling alright?" Mac asked.
Penny flush the toilet and she came out of the bathroom, -"Yeah I'm fine and I think I'm pregnant." Penny said.
-"Love, I love you so much." Mac said.
-"I love you too Mac." Penny said.
Mac hugs her and he kissed her forehead. He really happy for his family to continue to grow and always wanted to have more children. They went back to bed and it was 8:35 in the morning as Mac woke up. Penny lay over to Mac's chest and Mac looks over to her as he kissed her forehead. Penny woke up and she looks at Mac with a big smile. Mac smiles at Penny and he kissed her forehead.
-"Please stay with me." Penny said.
-"Baby, I have to work and I'll be home soon." Mac said.
-"You always go to work but what about me." Penny said.
-"You are my baby girl and I never want to lose you and children. That's all I think about all the time and I always missed you guys a lot but I don't want to missed out the fun with you." Mac said.
-"You are so sweet and I always thought that you was dating more girls but I didn't think you wanted me back." Penny said.
-"You know me and I decided to be with you after all the years that I dated a lot of girls but I still love you after I hidden that behind their backs." Mac said.
-"Wow. That's why you have feelings for someone like me." Penny said.
-"Yes and I always thought that I couldn't risk of seeing you after you was dating someone." Mac said.
-"Aww Mac, you are so cute and no wonder why that I want you back." Penny said.
-"I never want you to lose you again and I'm glad that I married you." Mac said.
The twins are crying and Mac and Penny got up as they walk to their nursery. The twins are wanting Mac and Penny as they grabbed them out of their cribs. Kenzie is wanting her pacifier and Penny grabs her pacifier as she put it on her mouth. Mac is changing Mac Jr's diaper and Mac Jr is being a silly baby. Mac smiles at Mac Jr and he put a clean diaper on Mac Jr. Mac kissed Mac Jr's cheek and he always love his family so much. Kenzie looks at Mac with a big smile and Mac smiles at Kenzie. They all have their quality time for being together as a family and they don't want their fun to end.

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