Chapter 16: Babies

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The next 8 weeks as Mac took Penny to the hospital for a checkup and they were both excited.
-"My little baby is getting there." Penny said.
-"I bet our little baby decides to be a guppy by swimming around while you are carrying the baby and I'm just going to watch." Mac said.
-"Oh Mac." Penny said.
-"Well I'm that kind of guy to take care of you guys." Mac said.
-"Aww, you are my love to me and I never want to have another guy in my life but just you baby." Penny said.
Mac kissed Penny and he felt more love to her. The doctor came in to check on the baby as they quickly pull away.
-"Okay Mrs. MacGyver, you ready to see the baby." Doctor said.
-"I'm ready than ever to be." Penny said.
Doctor is ready to do the checkup as Penny lift up her shirt and the doctor put the gel on the scanner joystick. Mac holds Penny's hand as they both watch their baby and saw the little hands. The doctor saw something from the baby scanner and he was ready to tell them the good news.
-"I have some really good news." Doctor said.
-"What's the results?" Mac asked.
-"Well as you guys saw the scanner and it turns out that you guys are having a baby girl." Doctor said.
-"Aww, we're having a baby girl." Penny said.
-"The other news is that you guys are having a boy." Doctor said.
-"Twins." Mac said.
-"Congrats." Doctor said.
-"Our babies." Penny said.
-"This is really great." Mac said.
-"I guess we can make room for our twins and they look so beautiful." Penny said.
-"I can finally have a boy to work for Phoenix Foundation." Mac said.
-"I guess I'll be a stay home mom." Penny said.
-"At least you will be my best wife to be a mom to our two beautiful twins." Mac said.
-"Aww sweetie." Penny said.
The next 4 weeks as Mac felt happy to be with Penny and he felt the twins kicking. Matty, Jack, Riley, Bozer, Leanna, and Oversight came over to see them.
-"Hey guys, we are so happy to see you guys." Riley said.
-"Oh I'm glad to see you guys too." Mac said.
-"Mac and I have some great news to tell you." Penny said.
-"What's the great news?" Matty asked.
-"Penny and I are having twins." Mac said.
-"Congrats." Leanna said.
-"Thank you." Penny said.
-"I'm Bozer the uncle." Bozer said.
-"My son is having twins." Oversight said.
-"I'm glad you guys are having twins." Riley said.
-"Oh me too and this is what we wanted." Penny said.
-"Mac, I need you right now." Jack said.
-"Jack, you promise Mac that you wouldn't do this again." Bozer said.
-"Yeah and you promise." Mac said.
-"Outside now." Jack said.
Mac, Jack, and Bozer went to the balcony for a long talk.
-"What is Jack jealous about?" Matty asked.
-"He's jealous of Mac and I." Penny said.
-"I think Jack needs to take a break and calm down." Riley said.
-"That's a good idea." Matty said.
-"So what are the genders?" Leanna asked.
-"They're a boy and girl." Penny said.
-"Yay." Riley said.
-"My grandkids are going to be beautiful." Oversight said.
-"Jack, why the hell are you acting like this again for?" Mac asked.
-"This is giving me a lot of stress and you have never seen the whole thing." Jack said.
-"Look Jack, I knew that you was acting like this since you was very jealous of Sarah." Bozer said.
-"Yeah and the way how I seen you and Penny are expected twins." Jack said.
-"Yes and you was so happy to be their uncle. I believe you are overreacted and you need to take a break." Mac said.
-"You're right and I haven't got any break since forever." Jack said.
-"Just have a beer." Mac said.
-"Oh hell yeah." Jack said.
Bozer gave Jack a beer and Jack drinks his beer.
-"I don't get it about Jack." Matty said.
-"Me neither but he's so too damn desperate over you then he needs to find a better woman." Riley said.
-"Obviously you're right." Leanna said.
-"True that." Penny said.

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