Chapter 36: Mac's Long Vacation

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Mac is feeling a bit different after he has three children with Penny and he never left them in his life. He wants to take a break from Phoenix Foundation.
-"Baby, you feeling okay." Penny said.
-"Yeah and I don't want to go to Phoenix Foundation." Mac said.
-"Why baby?" Penny asked.
-"I just want a break from Phoenix Foundation." Mac said.
-"We can just have a coffee break and talk about this." Penny said.
-"Perfect idea baby girl." Mac said.
Mac and Penny went to the kitchen to have a coffee break.
-"So you decided to quit Phoenix Foundation." Penny said.
-"Yeah and I talk to Matty about this." Mac said.
-"Why would you do that?" Penny asked.
-"I want to spend more time with you and our children." Mac said.
-"Aww." Penny said.
-"I want to be happy with you and our children so it's fair that maybe I should deserve a break." Mac said.
-"You really want a break from Phoenix Foundation and have a vacation with our children." Penny said.
-"This is all I wanted is to be with you and our children." Mac said.
-"Fine with me, Mr. MacGyver." Penny said.
-"Oh really Mrs. MacGyver, I didn't think we deserve to have children during our vacation." Mac said.
-"Yes we do and our children are so perfect to be here." Penny said.
-"Our children means the world to us and we are so lucky to be parents." Mac said.
-"Me too baby and I will make sure we have another baby." Penny said.
-"Perfect idea baby girl and we are happy to have a family that we ever wanted." Mac said.
-"Then take this family to paradise." Penny said.
-"You are my only wife that I ever wanted and you are just the one who I love." Mac said.
-"I always have my best life with you and we never want our children to grow up without you." Penny said.
-"I always knew you are my perfect wife and I don't want another girl than you." Mac said.
-"You are my only husband that you just want a break and be with our children." Penny said.
-"Oh really. I get too lonely without you and you are a stay home mom." Mac said.
-"I know darling but I have to take care of them." Penny said.
-"I know princess and we are just a happy family." Mac said.
-"Of course we are. Want more coffee dear?" Penny asked.
-"Sure baby." Mac said.
Penny gets up as she felt a little jump scared and Mac got up as he walks over to her.
-"Baby, are you feeling alright?" Mac asked.
-"Y-Yeah I'm fine. I just have a little jump scared and that's all." Penny said.
-"You miss your parents a lot." Mac said.
-"I missed them so much and it's been very hard on me since they died." Penny said.
-"I know love and I'll pour us some coffee. Just sit down." Mac said.
-"At least you are the best husband." Penny said.
Mac kissed her forehead, -"Always baby." Mac said.
Penny sat down and she knew that Mac is such a gentleman who has a good heart to do everything that is right. Even though that Mac is the father to the three children and he never want Nikki back to his life. Mac knew that he wanted to have a long break from Phoenix Foundation and Penny felt happy that they are spending time together. They both have some coffee and Mac is making sure that everything is all under control. Mac took Penny upstairs for some privacy and the kids are happy to play with their toys. In 3 Months Later
Mac has now been growing a beard and he didn't want no one to bother him with his vacation after quitting Phoenix Foundation. Penny is three months pregnant and the kids are getting bigger. Penny looks at Mac's beard, -"Oh Mac, you are so sexy with your beard." Penny said.
Mac chuckles, -"Well baby, you always need a new room for our new baby." Mac said.
-"You know how much we have children in this house and our baby is still kicking." Penny said.
Mac felt the baby, -"I think we should have a baby girl." Mac said.
-"I think we are." Penny said.
-"You love my beard." Mac said.
-"Of course I do and I think it's sexy." Penny said.
-"I knew that you love it." Mac said.
-"Of course baby and I never want to hurt your feelings." Penny said.
-"Aww baby girl, you are never going to let go of me." Mac said.
-"I would never let go of you for anything." Penny said.
-"I guess we are having a new baby along the way." Mac said.
-"You are always hungry and like me." Penny said as she felt the baby.
-"C'mon sweetheart, let's take the kids to the kitchen and take them to the park." Mac said.
-"Sure." Penny said.
Mac and Penny went to the nursery to take the kids to the kitchen for breakfast. As they went downstairs, Kenzie is a happy baby girl and Mac Jr is silly baby.
-"You babies are just too adorable right now while your little brother is being a butt." Penny said.
Shawn laughs and Mac is happy to see his children while on his vacation. Mac even knew that he told Matty that he's quitting Phoenix Foundation and he wants a vacation with Penny and the children.
-"Sweetie, I want to make sure that you are being a butt or you just want to be that way." Penny said.
Shawn laughs and Mac is so happy to be a dad to make him be happy about fatherhood.
-"Momma." Kenzie said.
-"Baby girl, just let me put your little brother in the bassinet." Penny said as she put Shawn in his bassinet.
-"Dada." Mac Jr said.
-"Son, you are so like your mom by wanting everything." Mac said.
Mac Jr laughs and Kenzie is being impatient with Penny for putting her little brother in the bassinet.
Penny came in to the kitchen, -"Hey baby girl, you didn't have to be a fussy girl." Penny said.
Kenzie is so happy and Mac looks for the milk until Penny is feeling happy with the kids. Mac found the milk and he grabs it out of the refrigerator. Penny saw something from outside and she knew that her letter has came. She walks out of the house to get her letter and she opens the mailbox as she grab the letter. Penny walk back inside and she shut the door as the kids are happy to see her.
-"Is there any letter from me?" Mac asked.
-"Well no." Penny said.
-"That's a bit odd." Mac said.
-"Well it's not because of the money that they sent me when my parents died." Penny said.
-"Oh so that's why it must've came from your old house." Mac said.
-"Yes and the note has clearly said about whenever we can use it for our rent, buying food, and buy any clothes for the kids." Penny said.
-"Yeah and I wish the kids met their grandparents." Mac said.
-"I know baby but they are in the better place and they are always in kids dreams." Penny said.
 -"Yeah and I guess they knew they're watching our children a lot." Mac said.
-"Yeah and the time we got married." Penny said.
-"Yeah but you were pregnant with our twins at the time." Mac said.
-"I miss having twins and sure would be nice to have them again." Penny said.
-"It's alright baby girl, you will just be fine and I think our baby girl will be happy with us." Mac said.
-"Yeah and I wouldn't marry you in the first place if I never had a chance to be with you." Penny said.
-"I always felt the same way as you and we always be with each other no matter what." Mac said.
Kenzie looks up at Mac and she always wanted to do like them. Mac looks down at Kenzie and he kissed her forehead.
-"You are such a sweetheart." Mac said.
Kenzie laughs and clap as Mac chuckles at Kenzie. Mac Jr is wanting more attention like Kenzie and Penny always love to cuddle Mac Jr. Mac Jr laughs and he loves Penny so much.
-"I don't know what to say about this family." Mac said. 
-"We always keep our family happy and Shawn is a one sleepy baby." Penny said. 
-"He will always be a sleepy baby and he looks a lot like you." Mac said.
-"You're right he does and you are perfect with your beard." Penny said.
-"Oh really." Mac said.
-"Does that mean you want to shave it off?" Penny asked.
-"No way babe, I won't shave it off and you think I'm attractive to you by having this beard on my face." Mac said.
-"Of course you are and I marry you just because you wanted to be away from Nikki." Penny said.
-"That's true darling." Mac said.
As they have family time together, Jack is now caused trouble for the CIA and nobody hasn't heard from Mac. Find out on the next chapter of My Husband MacGyver

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