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I woke up in a cold sweat with a gasp. "GAHH!" I looked around. Where was I? I saw stone pillars, it looked as if I was in some sort of parking garage, but there were no cars at all. How did I end up in an abandoned parking garage?

It was dark outside, most likely the middle of the night. I could see from where I was lights of buildings. It seems as if I'm in a bigger sized city, not what I'm used to. And the question still remained, where was I and how did I get here.

All of a sudden the ground shook, parts of the roof began to gave in. I stumbled up and tried to run. I needed to escape this concrete wasteland. I ran towards the stairs. I saw part of the roof explode as something shot through it, as if a meteor had struck through it.

I reached the steps and stumbled down them avoiding and tripping over rocks on my way down. I stumbled and cut my hand. "AHHH!" I yelled as I stopped and rested against the railing. It was only then that I noticed... The earthquake had stopped, or it seemed to die down. I rested for a minute then realized I needed to do something fast. I looked back inside the garage and it was almost completely destroyed.

I walked down the last flight of stairs, I looked around for people but saw... no one.. The street was completely deserted. Luckily I saw a hospital down the street and I made my way towards it. As I walked down the street I looked at my arm. It was bleeding pretty quickly, I needed to find a way to stop the bleeding fast. But I also noticed my watch was different. It was a digital watch, but instead of displaying 07:00, It just had the hour, it read "7" and that was all. I questioned the time, it felt a lot later than ten, but I was more focused on fixing my arm, and soon I approached the hospital.

When I got there the automatic doors let me in, but there was nobody at the front desk. That was strange, the entire city seemed to be a wasteland. I decided to explore the hospital a bit. Lights flicker in the hallway, doors swing open and closed as if by a ghost. The hospital feels... haunted. I tell myself there's no such thing as ghosts, but I didn't feel to safe.

Eventually I find a room with medical supplies I grab bandages and wrap my arm with them. The bandages seemed to stop the bleeding, but as I was wrapping my arm, there was another short earthquake, it started small but got bigger and bigger... I fell to the ground and rolled under the bed to try and protect myself. It worked, but aside from a couple shelves, nothing fell or collapsed.

I ran then climbed up to the roof of the building, from there I got a view of the entire city. It looked as if it was an island. A city on a lone island, in the middle of the ocean I assumed. I saw a ton of other buildings, one of them had a big billboard on them, it said, "Welcome to Kleine". Then I looked to my left and saw something that made me freeze... It was a massive dark figure, it looked like one of the buildings were moving...

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