Chapter 89

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Erika's POV:

Waking up, I confused I realize I'm in Jake and I's bed, when I realize Alissa is laying next to me watching Jake's vlogs.

"Hey," I whisper out. Watching the TV Pause Alissa quickly looks at me sending me a smile. "Your up"

"Yea?" I say confused. "You passed out when you saw you know..." Alissa says trailing off. "When I saw what?" I ask.

"Two lines"

My eyes widen remembering what happened. "Shit!" I squeal out looking at Alissa. "Wait what happend after I passed out"

"Jake heard my squeal that I let out after you passed out. Jake started running up here. I panicked, resulting me in stuffing the pregnancy test into my sweat pants," Alissa mumbles out, my eyes widening. "But the good news is he has no clue. Yay!"

Can't help but laugh, Alissa soon ends up laughing as well.

"Thanks Alissa, for hiding it for me"

"I gotcha fam"

"Well what now?" I ask. "We go to the doctor to see if you really are"

My heart rate picks up looking at Alissa who sends me a warm smile.

"Dallas wants a sibling and I know Jake wants like 10 million fucking kids it's going to be okay"

"What about you?" I ask. Alissa shrugs. "I mean there's nothing I can do about it, and now we can both say we were stupid enough to get knocked up by Jake"

Laughing a bit I send Alissa a smile. "How are you being so cool about this?" I ask.

"I was wondering the same about you?" Alissa asks back.

I shrug. "I'm not to sure now that you mention it," I reply. Alissa sends me a warm smile.

"Well should we go?"

I gulp slowly nodding. "Guess so"


You are pregnant.

Three simple words. You. Are. Pregnant.

But when mixed together... it changes literally everything.

I'm a mother. Jake's a dad again. Holy fucking fuckles!

"Soooooo," Alissa says while driving us back to the Team 10 House. "Soooo," I reply back looking at Alissa as she looks at me when we stop at a red light.

"The doctor was really cute"

Laughing a bit, I give Alissa a look. "I was trying to lighten the mood a bit," Alissa mumbles out.

"But seriously he was, and you know it to"

I roll my eyes looking at the traffic light. "It's green"

"I'm not going till you agree"

"Alissaaaaaaaa," I whine out. "Your secret is safe with me"

Hearing horns start to beep I groan. "Fine he was cute," I mumble out seeing Alissa smirk in victory as she starts to go through the green light. "What now?" I mumble out.

"You tell Jake"

"I can't right now he's got way to much stuff on his plate-"

"Erika it's better to just tell him sooner rather than later, and you especially don't want him to find out on his own"

I sigh knowing Alissa is right. I have to tell him, and it has to come from me.

"Want to jam?"



Getting out of the car laughing with Alissa, my laughter quickly disappears when I see Jake there his arms crossed and a mad look on his face.

"What the fuck Alissa!" He basically screams out walking right up to her. "What were you thinking!"

"What the hell are you going on about?"

"You fucking drove off without telling anyone!"

"Stop acting like my fucking dad Jake. I'm not 16 and new to driving"

"Oh I'm so sorry I fucking care about you!"

"Stop being a dick, Erika and I just went out for food take a chill pill"

"Oh and now you are lying to me!"

Gulping a bit realizing this is getting out of control I quickly walk in between them, attempting to push Jake back a bit.

"Jake come on let's just go inside," I say looking up at him. "Where were you?" He angrily asks. "Just out," I reply.

"Doing what?" He angrily asks. "Do you trust me?" I ask back watching his eyes turn confused. "I asked what you were-"

"And I asked if you trusted me," I ask back cutting him off.

"Of course I do," Jake whispers out.

"Then it doesn't matter what we were doing," I reply. Watching Jake's eyes soften he slowly nods looking at me.

"What the fuck! I want to learn that trick!" Alissa yells out.

Giggling a bit I turn to look at Alissa who looks shocked. "Oh man I have so much to learn from you," She says grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house with her.

Laughing a bit I glance back at Jake who sends me smile, as Alissa pulls me into the house soon disappearing from Jake's sight, heading into her room.

Watching Alissa lock the door she leans against it looking at me.

"Well this whole situation just got 10 times more complicated," She mumbles out.

"You could say that again," I mutter out sitting on her bed.

"What do I do?" I whine out watching Alissa grab a hoodie putting it on.

"Uh. Tell him," She replies walking over to the bed sitting on it next to me.

I roll my eyes giving Alissa a really look. "Sheesh. Calm down girl"

Laughing I nudge Alissa. "This is serious!" I whine out laying back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. "This is serious," Alissa says copying me.

"Did you just mock me?" I ask turning to look at Alissa who is in the same position as I am. She laughs shaking her head.

"No I was thinking back to you know that Wonder pets show?" Giving Alissa a confused look she rolls her eyes.

"Well, it was a show I watched as like a toddler and one of the characters catchphrases was this is serious and I just thought of that and I just found it funny..." Alissa starts to ramble on as I give her a death glare.

Watching her eyes widen she soon stops talking. "Note taken. Shut the fuck up," Alissa mumbles out.

Laughing a bit I give her a sad look. "Sorry I'm being all stuck up and annoying," I mumble out.

She shakes her head. "Your not. You are just freaking out about this, I would be to, then again I guess I technically am freaking about this since I'm basically in the same position as you except I'm not pregnant with a guys baby who already has a wife..."

And here she goes again...

Staying quiet I look at Alissa who finally after like five minutes stops talking. "I started rambling didn't I?"

"Oh yea," I mutter out receiving a playful slap from her.

"We could just go lesbian for each other then Jake doesn't have to choose"

And my jaw drops looking at Alissa who bursts out laughing. "Oh my god your face was priceless," She says almost crying from laughing so hard.

"You are worse than asking Chance or Anthony for help," I mutter out grabbing the pillow and smacking her with it.

"Oh, you started a war now Costell"

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