Chapter 4

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Jake's POV: 

It is the next day and Tessa is a lot better now so Tristan, Tessa and I are going to take Dallas and Buddy to the park today since we promised we would bring them there soon. We just got to the park and we wait in the car for them when I see there car pull in next to us and Dallas and I get out and stand by the car to greet Tristan and Tessa. 

Jake- Hey guys 

Tristan and Tessa- Hey you two 

Tessa- Where my favorite little girl 

Dallas smiles and runs and jumps into Tessa's arms as Tessa picks her up. 

Dallas- Are you feeling better Tess 

Tessa- Yup all better 

Dallas smiles nodding as Tessa passes Dallas to Tristan as he smiles. 

Tristan- Hey Dall 

Dallas- Hi Tristan 

Tristan- You ready to have fun 

Dallas squeals yes and Tristan sets her down as she runs over to the park with Buddy following close behind. Buddy is actually a super well trained dog he will follow Tristan, Tessa, I and most importantly Dallas wherever we go. Hes like Dallas's own guard dog which is so cute and helpful for me I dont have to worry as much when Buddy is with her. We then start walking over to the picnic tables and sit down as we watch Dallas and Buddy playing with his tennis ball. 

Tessa- Man Dallas is getting bigger and bigger each day 

I nod and look at Dallas. 

Jake- Sure is, I miss her younger years shes growing up so fast 

Tristan- I remember terrified to hold her the first time she was so small 

Tessa laughs- I remember Alissa was really scared for Jake to hold her 

Jake- Yea I was terrified as well, she was so little and precious, but Alissa told me to think of her as my vlog camera and well I would never drop my vlog camera 

Tessa and Tristan laugh as I smile remembering all those memories and sigh missing them so much........ I miss you so much Alissa. 

Tessa- And you never did drop her 

Jake- Thank God or I would of gotten a beating by Alissa 

Tristan- Remember when you guys told us Alissa was pregnant and Chanthony just ran around the house screaming 

Jake- Yea oh my god they were so excited 

Tessa- It was pretty cute 

Tristan- What them running around or Chanceyyyy 

Tessa blushes and hits Tristan as I laugh. 

Jake Well we all know it was Chance 

Tessa- Shut up you butts 

Jake- Im offended meanie 

Tristan- Me to Brooks 

Tessa laughs and I smile as I watch Dallas and Buddy run around like crazy people. 

Tristan- So Jake have you decided to send her to preschool yet 

I sigh and look at Tristan. It is currently the summer and I have to make the decision to send Dallas to school which I have no idea what im going to do. Of course I want her to get an education I just don't want people to know her as Jake Paul's daughter or anything like that. 

Jake- I really want her to go Im just scared 

Tessa- Jake it will be better if you send her now that way she gets friends younger on 

I nod knowing Tessa is right. 

Jake- Yea I know I also just dont want to lose her for so many hours in a day. 

It is going to suck being home alone for so long without her everyday. 

Tristan- Yea thats why you need to get friends you know or maybe I dare say a girl 

I sigh and look at Tristan knowing hes right. 

Tessa- Jake your only 25 you have plenty of time trust me plenty of girls will want to date you even if you have a daughter 

I nod and smile at Tessa. I just have to find that right girl. 

Tristan- How did the one at the bar, did you guys do anything 

Tristan smirks at me and I glare at him as Tessa looks very interested. 

Tessa- Oooooh what happend 

I groan and look at Tessa. 

Jake- Nothing I just talked to this girl that did not really want to be at the bar either nothing happend we just talked 

Tessa- Well did you get her number at least 

Jake- Nope 

Tessa- Jakeeeeeee 

Jake- Tessaaaaaa

Tessa- Jake you have to at least try, explore your options, I dare to say it but its been 2 years I know its hard but you have to move on eventually she would want you to 

I nod and sigh knowing Tessa is right. I cant be hung up on Alissa my whole life but no matter how hard I try there will always be a part of me that will love her more than anything besides Dallas. I mean I knew her for 18 years since I was 5 and we dated since Freshman year of High School its hard to get over someone like that. 

Tristan- Just think about it bro, I think Dallas would be really happy with a girl figure in her life besides Tessa and your mom 

I look at Tristan again knowing hes right. I really want Dallas to grow up with a mom or well replacement mom because no one could replace Alissa but at least I could try ..... right..... 

Jake- You guys are right. I will try but I am not promising anything 

They smile at me and nod. 

Tristan- Im going to go check out the progress on that new skate park they are building, Jake you coming 

Jake- Naw ill watch Dallas and Buddy 

Tristan nods- Tess wanna come 

Tessa looks at him and thinks for a second. 

Tessa- Eh sure why not I have to pee anyways 

Jake- Eww To much information girl 

Tessa laughs and slaps me as they walk away and then I direct my attention back to Dallas and Buddy who Dallas is swinging and Buddy is laying next to the swing chewing on a stick watching Dallas as his heads goes back and forth. Awe that is literally so cute. I smile as I watch Dallas and Buddy play a little more and then see someone who looks familiar and then when she looks over at me I smile as she smiles back and I wave her over. 

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