Chapter 86

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Jake's POV:

"Jake stop!"

"No Alissa! I'm going to fucking kill him!" I growl out putting my shoes on. "Jake no! He's going to rot behind bars in jail you can't kill him-"

"HE KILLED OUR FUCKING BABY!" I scream out watching Alissa's face immediately drop. Grabbing my phone I put in my pocket grabbing my car keys about to open the door when...

"D-Don't leave me please"

Immediately stopping in my tracks, I turn my head seeing Alissa with tears in her eyes. "I need you right now, please don't go"

"Fuck Alissa," I mumble out quickly going back to her bedside. "I'm sorry," I whisper out squeezing her hand.

"I'm here," I whisper, wiping Alissa's tears with my fingers. "No matter what happens I'll be here," I whisper.

Alissa sends me a smile, our eyes locking.

And in this moment realization hits me.

"Kiss me"

Alissa's eyes widen, confusion coming to her face.

"What?" She asks. "Kiss me," I say again. "Why exactly?" She asks.

"We have to Alissa, it's the only way we are going to know if the sparks are still there"

"I swear to god if Erika walks in right now," She mutters out looking at me.

Chuckling a bit I roll my eyes. "She is going to hate me forever you realize that right?"

"She's not going to walk in now just kiss me"

"Why do I have to kiss you"

"Because I said so?"

"Well why don't you kiss me then?" She asks.

I roll my eyes letting out a groan. "God Alissa stop making this so damn complicated"

"Well then you kiss me"

"Why do guys have to always kiss the girl first?" I mumble out. "It's your turn to kiss me first," I point out watching Alissa roll her eyes.

"Are we really bickering about this right now?" She asks.

"Yes. Yes we are. Now kiss me"

"You kiss me"

"You kiss me"

"No you kiss me"

"Alissa just kiss me"

"No. I refuse to kiss you first"

"Oh my lord we could have had this done and over with already if you weren't being a pain in the ass," I mumble out.

"Oh I'm being the pain in the ass"

"Yes you are so kiss me"

"This is ridiculous"

"And for the first time I agree with you," I mumble out. "Now just kiss me," I whine out.

Alissa rolls her eyes. "Fine but I swear to fucking god if Erika walks in right now-"

Having enough of this I quickly lean over and press my lips to Alissa's, immediately shutting her up, and feeling her kiss me back.

Soon pulling out of the kiss, I open my eyes to see Alissa open her eyes looking at me.

"I missed that," I honestly say. She sighs slowly nodding. "Fuck Jake!" She yells out. "What the hell do we do?" She asks.

I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. "Get Erika on board with the fact that you and I are going to have to figure this out," I mumble out, hearing Alissa sigh.

"I hate this, Erika seems like such an amazing girl" Alissa whispers.

I sigh. "All I have done is hurt her Liss. And now I'm just going to keep hurting her, maybe it's best for her sake just to end-"

"Jake don't you fucking dare"

Widening my eyes I look at Alissa confused. "You are going to break her heart more by doing that"

"But all I have done for a fucking year is hurt the girl Liss, I'm tired of hurting her," I whisper out sadly.

"Then stop hurting her bird brain!" Alissa says slapping my head. "I try not to! But the harder I try the more I end up hurting her," I mumble out.

Alissa sighs. "You are just an idiot"

"Gee thanks," I mumble out. "Well what are we doing?"

I sigh looking at her. "I don't know, but what I do know is it's going to take time to figure this out"

Alissa slowly nods. "Jake promise me no matter who you choose at the end of this you'll never forget me"

Looking up fast I see Alissa with tears streaming down her face.

"I could never forget about you Alissa Violet-Marie Paul," I whisper out pressing a kiss against her forehead. "I'm always going to need you Liss. No matter what happens, I mean we have a kid together, and have way to much history just to throw it away," I whisper out.

Alissa sends me a weak smile slowly nodding. Wiping her tears away, I plant a kiss on her cheek.

"And I promise I'll always be here for you," I whisper out.

Alissa smiles quickly wiping more tears away. "Can we please do something fun now, I need to stop crying"

Chuckling a bit I nod reaching over and grabbing my laptop before skootching Alissa over in the bed and sitting next to her handing her an earplug.

"Let's watch some old vlogs"


"Mommy! Daddy!" A smile forms on my face looking up from the laptop feeling a monkey jump on the bed and crawling right over to Alissa and I.

"Hey baby girl," I say rubbing Dallas's back as she cuddles up to Alissa.

"You guys okay?" Seeing Tessa there I see her eyes on Alissa who still has red eyes unfortunately.

"Nothing about this is okay," I mumble out. Feeling a slap on my arm, Alissa sends me a glare. "We were just looking back at old memories, and man it makes your emotional"

I nod in agreement.

"How was the hospital bed last night?" Tessa teasingly asks. "Awful. I swear they need to make these things more comfortable," Alissa groans out.

"Seriously though, like if someone is going to die on this at least let them die in piece"

"Jake!" Alissa squeals out slapping me. "I'm just saying the truth"

Alissa rolls her eyes, along with Tessa who shakes her head.

"And you didn't even sleep on the bed," Alissa says rolling her eyes.

"Yea that's cause someone kept kicking me!"

"Oh sure blame me"

"I will"

"The thing is like two feet wide, it's not my fault"

"Oh but somehow you only kick me, I didn't kick you once"

Alissa sticks her tongue out at me, giving me a pouty look.

Laughing a bit I see Tessa roll her eyes. "Did you sleep on the couch?"

I laugh nodding. "It defiantly was more comfortable," I say with a laugh.

"Well anyways when are you free to go?" Tessa asks.

"Soon right?" Alissa asks looking at me.

"I'm pretty sure, I'll check"

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