Chapter 83

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Hope you guys don't mind but I am going to be switching up the writing style. Comment if you like this one better, or the old way. Thanks :)


Jake's POV:


"Dallas" I yell back picking her up spinning her around. "Where's mommy! Where's mommy!" She squeals I laugh a bit seeing Erika run in out of breath.

"God I'm so out of shape," She mutters. I laugh a bit "Thanks for going to get her," I say wrapping my arm around her pulling her to my side feeling her little arms wrap around me.

"Of course," She whispers. "How's Alissa,"

"She's still being checked up on, apparently she lost a crap ton of weight, and is really scratched up," I say with a sigh.

"Hey she's alive that's the important thing," I smile at Erika "That's true," I say.


"What!" I shout back.

"Where's mommy," Dallas squeals giggling. "You will be able to see her really soon baby," I say seeing her smile wide clapping her hands.

"Rik got me skittles," She says energetically. "Yea I see that," I mumble hearing Erika giggle. "I had to fill the car up with gas, and Dallas ended up getting a snack out of it," She says with a laugh.

"Thanks, Rik," She smiles nodding. "Jake Paul," I hear the doctor say. I turn to look at him "Hey. How is she?" I ask.

"She's doing good, she is up and doing good. We gave her some vitamins to help her with the lack of food, and water she got that she will need to take every day for probably a month," I nod my head "Can we see her?" I ask.

"Of course room A-456," He responds. I smile nodding looking at Dallas "Hear that," I say seeing Dallas smile "Mommy!" She squeals. I laugh a bit looking at Erika "Come on," I say seeing her look at me worried "Your coming," I say rolling my eyes grabbing her hand while holding Dallas in my arm as we walk to the door. We soon get in front of it my heart rate increased a bit as I open the door can't help but smile seeing Alissa there knowing it's not a dream... she really is alive.

"MOMMY!" Dallas squeals so loud jumping out of my arms running over to the bed jumping on it "Wait, Dall, Mom is probably-" I stop talking seeing Alissa's arms immediately around Dallas pulling her so close to her holding her like there is so tomorrow.

I smile at the sight closing the hospital door seeing Alissa with tears running down her face as she is just hugging Dallas. I look at Erika who smiles at the sight as well.

"Chessa will be here soon, and the rest of the team as well they got a quick meeting to attend to," I say seeing Alissa look at me smiling nodding, and then at Erika.

"So I was put on some crazy medication so I don't exactly remember who you are," Alissa says with a slight laugh.

"It's okay. I'm Erika,"

"Oh yeaaaaaaa. I remember now," Alissa says throwing her hand up doing some weird thing "You sure your still not on the medication," I tease seeing her roll her eyes at me. "Haha so funny," She says rolling her eyes giving me an unamused face.

"Great to have you back to," I say rolling my eyes seeing her stick up her middle finger at me. "Alissa!" I shout hearing her giggle. "There is a kid in here," I say.

"Actually two Dallas and you," she says. "That's it. I'm throwing you in the pool when we get home,"

"Awwww I miss that pool,"

"Seriously," I say hearing her laugh. "So what horrible pick up line did Jake use on you?" I hear Alissa ask Erika.

"Woahhhhhhh what makes you think I used a horrible pick up line on her," I say crossing my arms hearing Alissa, and Erika both laugh.

"Uh your Jake pizzle Paul, of course, you used a horrible pick up line," Alissa says. "You are meaner than I Remember," I mutter seeing her roll her eyes at me, and then look at Erika.

"I'm so sorry that you got stuck with him," Alissa says to Erika who laughs a bit.


"Jakeeeeeeee," I send her a glare seeing her send me a glare in return.

"So can I get like a ton of fame back for saying you cheated on me or how we doing this?" Alissa teases. I roll my eyes looking at her "Wow. Just wow," I say hearing her giggle.

"No but seriously where's my team 10 check for these past 2 and a half years," She asks.

"In my bank account,"

"So mine too," She says with a smirk "Pretty much," I mumble hearing her laugh.

"Yea I am taking your credit card and going on a big shopping spree-,"

"Oh you are not driving anywhere without the U.S military around you got it, missy," I say seeing her roll her eyes "Yes dad," She teases.

"Mommyyyyyy," Dallas squeals. "Dallassssss," Alissa squeals back.

"Thanks for killing our ears," I mutter seeing Alissa roll her eyes "Grow up," She mutters then looking at Dallas who is now sitting next to her on the bed, as Dallas, and her start to talk.

I look at Erika who sends me a smile. "Want to go get food with me, I'm starving,"

"Sure," She replies with a smile. "Yo Liss, Dallas you guys want food.

"Oh yesssssss pleaseeeee. The hospital food fuc- I mean is really poopy," Alissa says stopping herself from swearing. I laugh a bit.

"Watcha want?" I ask.

"Like a million big macs,"

"Such high maintenance," I mutter "JAKE JOSEPH PAUL," I laugh a bit feeling Erika slap me. "What was that for," I say looking at Erika.

"I know Alissa wants to slap you I did It for her," I give her a really look hearing Alissa laugh "Oh yes I already love Erika,"

"This is so unfair," I mutter hearing Alissa and Erika laugh.

"Dallas what you want to eat,

"Mc Donald's!" She squeals.

"Like mother like daughter," I mumble "Erika," I hear Alissa say as I feel another slap on my arm this time harder "Owwwww Erika you know what just stay with your new best friend," I say pouting hearing Erika laugh "Alright I will,"

I give her a really look "Bye Jake,"

"I can't believe this," I mutter walking out of the hospital room to go get food from Mc Donald's.

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