Chapter 69

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Jake's POV:

I have been in the waiting room for an hour now waiting on Erika to see what's up. I texted everyone in the group chat we made for this trip saying a quick run down of what happened leaving out all the drama part and told them not to come.

Doctor - Erika Costell

I stand up quickly and walk to him.

Doctor- Relation

I look at him not knowing what to say.. I hope this works.

Jake- Boyfriend

Doctor- Name

Jake- Jake Paul

Doctor- I am going to go ask her I need you to just wait while I do so

I nod sighing and waiting for him. He then comes back a couple minutes later and nods at me as he leads me to the room.

Doctor- So she hit her head a little but it looks like its 100% fine and we are going to have to move one of her knee bones back in it fell out when she fell, and she is deathly afraid of hospitals so do you mind being in the room with her while we push it back in, you don't have to look and it will take like 5 seconds

I nod at the doctor as he smiles at me. I did not know how afraid of hospitals she was. Hm.

We get to the room and I open the door closing it behind me to see Erika there laying on the bed looking scared to death. Her eyes then meet mine and she smiles.

Erika- Well hello "Boyfriend"

I laugh and smile at her.

Jake- Hey "Girlfriend"

Erika- Did the doctor give you the run down

I nod and walk to the side of her bed grabbing a chair pulling it next to her and grabbing her hand as she smiles at me.

Jake- You know your not a rebound right-

Erika- Can we not talk about this right now, its your birthday and your in the hospital watching me like im your child its pathetic

I look at her shaking my head.

Jake- First of all we will talk later then, and second of all as long as im with you im happy about my birthday we could be watching clouds for all I care and I would have fun with you

Erika smiles at me super wide and pouts.

Erika- I would kiss you but I cant move

I laugh at her leaning over and kissing her as I feel her smile kissing back. Soon I hear a knock at the door and we pull away just in time for two nurses to come in as I feel Erika's hand grab mine tighter.

Nurse 1- Hello Erika we are here to fix this knee of yours

Nurse 2- Just relax it will be done sooner than you think so

Erika nods and looks at me scared.

Jake- Its cool if Im here right

Nurse 1- Yup, but If I were you I would not watch, its not very fun to watch

I laugh and nod looking at Erika.

Jake- Just keep your eyes on me it will be fine

Erika nods looking at me as I smile at her.

Nurse 2- You ready Erika

Erika nods and I squeeze her hand a second later I hear a yelp and then hear a weird noise and then the nurse.

Nurse 1- And you are fine, luckily it was super small and was only a little out

Erika nods breathing heavily.

Nurse 2- As soon as you feel you are ready to go your good

Erika nods and they leave the room and I smile at Erika.

Jake- See all good

Erika smiles at me nodding.

Erika- I want to go but I feel like I cant walk

Jake- Ill just carry you

She smiles at me nodding.

Jake- Alright come here

I stand up picking her up in my arms as I walk out of the hospital back to my car and set her in the passenger seat then going to the drivers side.

Jake- Your phone is in the glove compartment and your purse

She nods smiling at me pulling them out as I pull out of the parking lot heading back to the Beach House.

I then look at Erika who has her phone pointed at me and I look at her confused as she holds the phone up like a vlog camera and leaning over by me.


I laugh and smile at her cuteness as she posts it on her story on Instagram, and then puts her phone away.

Jake- Your so damn cute

She smiles at me.

Erika- Happy Birthday Jakey

Jake - Thanks Rik

Erika- Jake im sorry for running off-

Jake- No you had every right to Rik, its not your fault at all and I don't want you to think it is at all because its not. I was being an ass hole and had no right to yell at you when all you were trying to do was help

Erika smiles at me.

Erika- Your amazing you know that

Jake - You tell me that a lot, also Erika I promise your not a rebound, I never want you to feel like you are

Erika looks at me smiling.

Jake- Damn I wish I was in the Tesla right now with the self drive

Erika laughs and looks at me.

Erika- you could always pull over

I look at her and smirk pulling over and leaning over pressing my lips to her as she smiles kissing me back passionately.

Erika's POV:

We just got back to the house and walk in and I hear its really quiet and I see Jake point outside and I see everyone on the porch with lights and candles and I look at Jake confused as he smiles at me leading me outside.

We get outside and I see a path that leads to the ocean and I smile as Jake grabs my hand leading me out there as Team 10 , Jake's parents stand on the porch watching. We then stop and Jake grabs both of my hands and smiling at me.

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