Chapter 36

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Anthony's POV: 

Jake just left the room not saying anything to us and seeming mad, I wonder whats up with him. I then look at Erika. 

Anthony-Okay back to my problem, How do I ask her out I neeed helppppppp

Erika- You boys are so stupid just be sweet and nice Tony, your a likable guy 

I smile at Erika smiling. 

Anthony- Thanks Rik your the only person that helps and does not make fun of the situation 

Erika- Dont worry about it, now think of something and make that girl feel so special 

I nod at her smiling. 

Anthony- So what about you and interests you have seen 

Erika looks at me.

Erika- Eh not really, I mean dont get me wrong there are some pretty hot guys around these parts but most of them are all douches 

I laugh and nod at her. 

Anthony- Yea I got you, my gender are idiots 

Erika- No kidding, especially a certain person in this house 

Anthony- You know Jake he does not mean to be he just is normally 

Erika laughs and nods. 

Anthony- So what about Jake, you guys have been getting closer, do you feel anything for him 

Erika looks at me thinking for a second. 

Erika- Nope, him and I are just friends, plus I dont think he is planning on dating anyone on Team 10 again after Alissa 

Anthony- He has to learn to love again, Dallas really wants a mom figure, that is not Tessa , or Kenzie 

Erika - I honestly dont like him, but him and I would never work anyways, I dont think it would be good to have us dating in Team 10 

Anthony- Why Chessa, and Kade and Kenzie are 

Erika- I dont know I just dont feel like it would be right 

Anthony- I guess I kind of get it , but come on you two would be a cute couple, and Jake trusts you, what better way to make him fall in love again then with another one of his best friends 

Erika looks at me thinking and nods.

Erika- Yea well, Jake does not like me and I dont like him, plus my modeling break is ending in like a week Im going to be balancing that with Team 10 I am going to have no time for a realtionship

I nod at her. I cant wait to see her in model mode, we have not seen her like that before so it should be cool to see that side of Erika. 

Anthony- Yea I cant wait to see your modeling 

Erika smiles- Thanks I will bring you guys soon 

I smile at her as we continue talking about random things. 


11 P.M. 

Erika's POV: 

Im asleep in Jake's comfy bed when I hear the door crack open and get scared when I hear. 

Jake- Dont worry its just me I need to get my charger 

I look at him and blush to see him in just underwear, yea I have seen it before actually all the guys, I dont know what it is with them walking around in there boxers. I give him a nod as he comes to the side of the bed grabbing his charger off the stand and looking at me as I look up at him with my eyes half open.

Erika- Your bed is so damn comfortable

Jake- It is a very expensive bed 

Erika- Yea well its so worth it oh my god, I need one 

Jake smiles at me leaning down kissing my cheek as I find myself grab his arm as I confused myself as he looks at me confused.

Jake- You okay

Erika- Just sleep in here I feel bad 

Jake- Rik it's fine 

Erika- Just come here Jake 

Jake smiles as he pushes me over a bit as I smile as he gets under the covers with me as I find myself cuddle up to him as I soon fall asleep cuddled up in Jake's arms...and it feels amazing...


Jake's POV: 

Today is the first day Erika is going to be back to modeling. I decided to drive her down there since its a 25 minute ride. Also I want to hang out see the behind the scenes a little and Erika's manager said it was fine if I did. Erika and I just got to the place and Erika directed me to where to park when....

Guy- Hello and who are you 

Erika- James dont worry, hes with me, he's just dropping me off 

James- Oh of course Miss. Costell, nice to see you again 

Erika- You to 

James then walks away and Erika directs me to the parking spot that says Miss. Costell on it and I park as we get out and I look at the huge building as we walk in and Erika leads me in when I hear. 

???- Ahhhh Erika your back this break was way to long 

I look at Erika who smiles running up to the girl and hugs her. 

Erika- Oh my god I missed you so much Mia, and it has been to long 

So Mia, huh, shes good looking but then again were in a model place so of course, she is. 

I then feel Erika grab my hand bringing me over. 

Erika- Jake this is my manager and like best friend ever Mia 

I smile at her.

Mia- Nice to meet you 

Jake- You to 

Erika- And then Mia, this is Jake, hes the leader of Team 10 the thing I was telling you about 

Mia- Oh trust me I have heard of them, all to much 

Erika and I laugh.

Mia- Well why don't you head to the dressing room and I can show Jake to the first set you will be on today 

Erika nods smiling.

Erika- See you in a couple minutes Jake 

I smile at her as she kisses my cheek and then walks off to her dressing room and then I look at Mia. 

Mia- You too are even cuter in real life 

I laugh as I follow Mia around to the first set where I see a ton of cameras, lights, and people. I look around and man this is like a guys dream all these girls, and then there also a ton of guys but I mean no one cares about them or at least I don't. 

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