Chapter 41

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Jake's POV:

Erika and Ashton have been hanging out for like 4 hours now. Ugh, what could they possibly be doing... It's not like I care or anything though. I go to her door and knock and when I hear no response but hear the TV I sigh typing in the password and walk in cautiously when I see Ashton and Erika laying in bed cuddled up asleep. I look at them shocked, feeling so much jealousy come to me. I sigh what do I do, do I wake them up or let them sleep, Ugh. I sigh and leave the room and head over to Chance's room and walk in to see him and Tessa make out. I fake cough when they look over.

Chance- Uh hey Jake

Tessa- Seriously what happened to knocking

Jake- The door was opened so ha!

Tessa rolls her eyes.

Jake- Chance can I talk to you for a second

Tessa- Sure just interrupt us making out then steal my BF you suck

I roll my eyes as Tessa leaves the room and I see Chance and look at him confused.

Chance- I'm pretty sure she's on the monthly thing

I nod ohhhhing and he nods.

Chance- So what's up

I close the door and then sit on the bed with him.

Jake- So has Tessa told you about Erika's model guy Ashton

Chance- Oh yea she was going on about how cute they are

I nod groaning and Chance smirks at me.

Chance- No way are you jealous

I look at him and sigh.

Jake- That's why I am here I'm not sure

Chance looks at me shocked.

Chance- Dang man, you realize you like her when she's finding another guy

Jake- I walked in her room to see them cuddled up asleep together

He looks at me with saddened eyes.

Chance- I'm sorry bro, but don't get mad at her you have to talk to her, she has no idea you are feeing this so no matter what you do you can not take anger out on her

I nod knowing Chance is right.

Jake- Thanks man, how do I tell her like what do I tell her

Chance- Well first find out if she has feelings for him he might just be a good friend like Tessa is to you

I nod at him.

Jake- I don't think so though

Chance- Well just try, keep your head up

I smile at her and give him a quick hug and then get up leaving the room.

Jake- Thanks bro see ya in the morning

Chance- Night Jake

I smile and close the door heading into Dallas's room to see Kade putting Dallas in bed and I smile as he says night to her and then turns around and sees me and smiles walking over to me closing the door.

Kade- Hey bro

Jake- Thanks buddy

Kade- Of course night

Jake- Night Kade

I smile as I kiss Dallas good night and then head to my room laying on my bed thinking about Erika. Ever since she hijacked my bed it has smelled like her and I love it so much. It's such a good scent. I smile as I fall asleep thinking about her.


The Next Day:

Jake's POV:

Its currently 11 P.M. and Erika is still not home I'm getting worried kind of but I should not be right? I am on the roof staring off into the beautiful Cali when I see lights and see a car pull in and smile seeing is Ashton's car... finally. I see him park and then they get out like 3 minutes later both of them... and they head into the house I'm guessing. I then get off the roof and head down the stairs to greet them in the main room.

Jake- Hey guys

Erika- AHHH omg Jake don't do that

I laugh as Erika calms down.

Ashton- Nice to see you again Jake

Jake- You too, so what did you guys do

I glance at Erika who smiles.

Erika- It was an awesome night, like a scene from a movie

I look at her shocked and feeling jealous

Jake - Sounds fun

Erika- Well we're going to head to bed see you in the morning Jake

Jake- Night

I watch as they both head upstairs and sigh.... he's sleeping over again... The only thing I can think of when my head hits my pillow is "Are they together... was that a date". I sigh as I barely get any sleep.


The Next Day:

Erika's POV:

After escaping Ash's death grip on me I head downstairs to start breakfast. Last night went good and I think I do like him, I am not 100% sure though. I don't know what to think. I can't help but think about Jake constantly. We are not together but we are going on another date tomorrow night. The date was so fun we ate at this nice place and walked around LA shopping and holding hands then walking on the beach and just hanging out having a nice date like teens would. I then hear a noise and see Jake come in I look away to look back at the food and then look back fast to see him in his sweats and shirtless. I see him smile at me and I smile back.

Erika- Morning Jake

Jake- Morning Rik

Erika- So what did you vlog yesterday

Jake- We did a ton of dirt bike and racing stuff with cars and the Polaris and stuff

I nod smiling.

Erika- Sounds fun

Jake- Yea what about you

I look at him.

Erika- It was fun we had a nice dinner and walked around downtown LA and taking a walk on the beach it was like those high school dream dates coming to life

I smile thinking about it and look at Jake whose mouth drops.

Jake- So it was a date then.

I look at Jake and just give him a slight nod as he sighs not daring to look at me again. I sigh continuing to get breakfast ready. What's up with him? Does he possibly like me? Am I making a mistake doing this with Ash? Ugh I'm so confused... Why can't guys just say what their thinking it would make this whole thing a lot less complicated. 

Jerika- Love AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora