Chapter 20

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Before the story starts I have a big announcement that I am very excited for. Chapter 1 of my new story that I have made all by myself with my own characters will be uploaded tomorrow. I hope you guys can check it out for me, it would mean a lot.

Story Summary:  My Co-worker
Lydia is an average straight out of college girl. She graduated College with her Master's Degree and is going into teaching. She got a job at her old school. Lydia's first day surprised her more than she could ever have thought. What happens when she along with a certain new guy co-worker meet both being teachers at the school? Will they become friends, or maybe more than friends

Thanks for reading now the Jerika Story.

Erika's POV: 

Jake just sat down next to me on the couch after he put Dallas to bed.

Jake- Well she is asleep finally

Tessa- That took a while everything okay 

I glance at Jake who just sighs.

Jake- I don't really want to talk about it

Tessa- Jake 

Jake- Fine after watching those old vlogs Dallas misses Alissa so much, it honestly sucks so much 

Kade- Don't worry bro it will get better 

Jake- Im not sure about it, she's not the only one who all they can think about is fucking Alissa, guys I cant get her out of my head, all I think about is her now 

I look at Jake worried.

Tessa- Jake you just need more time trust me, seeing someone you love so much die like that sucks, and well you just need a lot of time to get better

Jake- I dont think im ever getting over her 

Tessa- Im not saying you have to, im just saying it will get better 

Jake sighs- Yea your probably right 

Kade- Jake are you 100% sure about this vlogging thing, its been over 2 years now, you sure you can handle it 

I glance at Jake who is thinking hard.

Jake- Honestly im not sure, but all of you are I mean the whole team is so excited for this, im not letting this family fall apart again just because im butt hurt on Alissa's death 

Nathan- Jake come on bro you know we just want you to be happy, we are not going to be mad if its hard for you, and plus dont say just because of Alissa's death we all know how much she meant to you, you dont have to worry about always being Positive Paul 

I watch as Jake smiles.

Jake- Thanks Nate your the best, all of you are 

Tessa- We are a family we are here for each other through these tough times 

Jake nods- We sure are, so who is down for a scary movie 

Tristan- Lets goooooo 

I shift a little not really wanting to watch a scary movie but I just agree with it not wanting to ruin the night. Jake picks out some really scary movie apparently and we start to watch it.

It is only like 5 minutes in an im pretty sure I am on the verge of dying. Why do people make things like this seriously. I keep moving around not looking at the screen and I think Jake noticed because he is looking at me and I glance at him.

(This is going to be them whispering) 

Jake- You okay 

Erika- I've been better

Jake- Awe can Costell not handle scary movies

I roll my eyes and look away as I hear Jake laugh a bit and I feel his arm drape around my shoulder pulling me closer. I look at him and he smiles at me as I feel my head land on his shoulder. I smile feeling warm and safe in his arms as I resume watching the movie jumping here and there... okay maybe more than that. 

I see Tessa smirking looking at Jake and I glance up at him fast to see him shake his head and see Tessa frown and then she looks back at the screen. I wonder what thats about. I look at the screen and well it was a really bad time to. 


I hear laughs and see everyone eyes on me, as I sigh as my heart rate starts to go down again. 

Tessa- You good Erika 

Erika- Oh yea just dandy 

I hear Jake laugh as he presses play on the movie again as we continue to watch it. 

Jake's POV: 

I smile as I look down and see Erika fell asleep. The movie just ended and the guys are cleaning the place up a bit. 

Jake- Tess, Tristan you two staying here tonight 

Tristan- Can we I really dont feel like driving home 

Jake- Sure we have plenty of rooms, Nate you staying as well

Nathan- Guess so

Jake Alright , Kade and Kenzie your room is the first one on the left when you go up the stairs 

Kade- Thanks bro see ya in the morning

Kade and Kenzie say night to everyone and then Tristan and Nathan head to there room and Tessa goes to hers as I look at Erika and wonder what to do... You think she would freak out waking up in this house... Well I hope not. I sigh as I stand up and pick her up bridal style and carrying her up to the last extra bedroom and lay her down, putting her phone on the night stand and then turn off the light and closing the door. I then walk into Dallas's room to make sure shes fine and see her sleeping peacefully and smile kissing her head and then heading into my room and letting sleep take over me. 


Erika's POV: 

I open my eyes and look around and about to scream having no clue where I am when I see my phone besides me with a text from Jake.

I really hope you dont scream, dont worry this is my house, you fell asleep last night and I decided to not wake you up, so yea dont worry , I probably am downstairs or in my room, see ya in the morning  - J.P. 

I smile finishing reading it and then getting up fixing my hair as best as I can and then head downstairs and see no one and then I hear laughs and see Jake and Tessa laying on the trampoline he has in his little back yard and they are laughing about something. I open the door and head out there and I think they heard because Jake looks over and smiles. 

Jake- Well I did not hear you scream so thats a good thing 

I laugh and nod.

Erika- Yup I guess so 

Tessa- Oh Erika, Kenzie has something for you to wear, I think her and Kade are getting ready right now 

Erika- Oh okay thanks 

Tessa- Yup, Ill go see if Kenzie has the clothes for you 

Erika- Oh you dont have to

Tessa- Its fine I need to wake up Tristan and Nate's asses anyways, we have to go to some meeting for Team 10 

I nod as Tessa gets up and leaves entering the house as I look at Jake and see him pat the spot next to him and I hop on the trampoline sitting next to him. 

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