Chapter 40

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Erika's POV:

Erika- Okay well im going to show Ash around see you guys later

Jake and Dallas nod and I grab Ash's hand getting him out of there as we head up the steps into my room, and I close the door and look at him.

Erika- Sorry about that

Ashton- Don't worry about it, at least we have a blessing from Jake's daughter

I laugh at him and nod as I fall on my bed and he laughs and hops on it sitting up next to me.

Erika- Sorry about the Jerika think as well

Ashton- Don't worry, I just have to get used to everyone shipping you two together

I look at him and nod.

Erika- Sorry

Ashton -Don't worry about it, it's not your fault that everyone finds you and Jake to be a cute couple

I smile at him lifting my head into his lap as he smiles wrapping his arms around me.

Erika- Thanks for being such a good friend over the past 3 and a half years

Ashton - No thank you for being such a good friend

I smile up at him.

Erika- So Knight what do you got planned

Ashton- Well you will just have to wait and see won't you

I groan and look at him.

Erika- You know I hate surprises

Ashton- Exactly why I do them

I roll my eyes and lean up as he leans down and were about to kiss when I hear a knock and we quickly pull away as I see Tessa come into the room. She looks at us shocked and I realize she has no idea who this is and I'm kind of laying on his lap right now. I sigh and get up as she comes closer and examining him.


I laugh as Ashton laughs as well.

Ashton - That's me nice to meet you, and you must be Tessa right

Tessa's mouth drops and looks at me.

Tessa- Oh my god you know my name holy crap you know my name, wait how the hell do you know Erika and what the hell was going on

Erika- Tessa I model with him

Her mouth drops.

Tessa- OH MY GOD, I do remember seeing you before I knew it I saw you with him who would have known

I laugh and nod.

Ashton - So you like modeling

Tessa- I mean yea kind of dancing and vlogging is more my thing but you know

Ashton- Erika has shown me a couple of your dances before your really good

Tessa- Awe thanks, you're so much sweeter than I expected

Ashton- Normally most guy models are just hot guys who are douches yea I know, I work with a lot of them

Tessa - Yea that must suck but they're all so hot like come on

Ashton- Yea to bad I'm not gay

I laugh as Ashton playfully pushes me.

Erika- You sure your not gay

Ashton rolls his eyes at me.

Ashton- With what happened earlier today I'm pretty sure not

He smirks at me and I get red as he laughs. I then hear Tessa squeal.


I glance at Ash who's eyes went wide

Tessa- Oh my god does that mean yes

Erika- No we are not technically dating

Ashton- But I am taking her out tonight

Tessa squeals loud again as my ears almost fall off.

Erika- don't tell anyone yet please no one else knows

Tessa- Of course, I won't omg I'm so happy

Erika- That includes Chance cause knowing him Jake will find out and then everyone will

Tessa- Yea whatever I got you

Erika- Thanks Tess

Tessa- Yup, of course, Awe you two are super cute

Ashton- Oh you know we are

I slap him as he laughs.

Tessa- So were you about to kiss

I glare at her as she laughs.

Tessa- So that's a yes well I will leave and let you guys make out then

Erika- Lock the door on the way out

She laughs and locks the door and closes it.

Ashton looks at me and smirks.

Erika- Oh shut up I don't want Dallas walking in on us kissing, I don't want to deal with that

He laughs at me and looks around my room.

Ashton- You got a nice room here

Erika- Thanks, Tessa and Kenzie helped me design it

Ashton- Kenzie?

Erika- The other girl on Team 10

Ashton- Gotha

Erika- She's dating Kade and then Tessa is with Chance

He nods.

Ashton- Cool, so you got Netflix right

Erika- Of course, I do

Ashton - Want to watch The Maze Runner

Erika- Can we watch Teen Wolf Pleaseeee

I give him puppy dog eyes as he groans.

Ashton- You just want to see them shirtless

Erika-Wahhhhhhh pshhhhh no

He gives me a look and I sigh.

Erika - whatever maybe we have not even finished season 4 together yet

Ashton- But you have watched it like 50 times over

Erika- But its fun watching with you

Ash groans.

Ashton- Fine put it on

I smile hugging him tight and then grab the controllers turning it on and clicking on Teen Wolf as it starts and I smile. Leaning back against the headboard and smile watching all the teen drama unfold.

Its been about 15 minutes when I feel Ash's arms wrap around me and I smile looking at him and leaning my head against his shoulder resting it there as I feel him smile down at me. We continue to watch the show and I see that it's about to be a shirtless scene when I can no longer see, the only thing I see his blackness and I laugh as I bit Ash's hand as he groans.

Ashton- Ow damn girl you bite hard

I smirk at him as I get comfortable against him again as we continue to watch the show.

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