Chapter 80

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Bank's POV:

I just got back to the Faze House you are probably asking why a guy like me is helping Dennis and being his guard for Alissa well unfortunatly I had no clue what I was getting myself into he said if I wanted some quick money and well I mean I was a kid who was like why not so I said yes not knowing what I was doing. When I found out I was about to quit when he said if you quit im dragging you down with me saying I knew about Alissa being alive and I could not risk being put in jail for no fricking reason so I have been helping him... It sucks and is horrible but I only work there a couple days a week and Erika's dad is plenty rich so I make nice money doing so.

Funny enough I know Team 10 I met them a couple times well Jake and like Tristan the rest not at all but I have watched them before. I lay on my bed pulling out my phone and looking at the napkin and looking at the number typing it in and then typing the message.

Hey Jake this is Ricky Banks. You know the guy from Faze you met a couple times, and now I have a message for you from Alissa that's right Alissa Violet. So here you go...

Jake, I need help please talk with Ricky and figure out where Dennis is hiding me and yes Dennis as in Erika's dad. Its a long story I will explain more later but I am not dead, Denis faked me whole death after the doctors said I had a super small chance of living so Denis stole me from the hospital replacing me with someone else and then getting me medical help from somewhere else where I made a full recovering after the accident that did happen. Denis then kidnapped me realizing he could be put in jail for the rest of his life. So he kidnapped me for the past 2 and a half years. Jake I need help please, the name you always called me was "Little One" Jake please respond I need your help... I love you and need you.

I send it and sigh putting the phone on my night stand waiting for Jake's response. I really hope he believes her. I could call the police to the house I am well aware of that but they would find out I am guarding for him I cant risk that Jake has to do it and I have to make sure I am not included in this or im done for.


Jake's POV:

It is around 11 p.m. when I get a text and sigh reaching ovr trying to get to my phone without waking up Erika. I successfully get to it and open it to see an unknown number and sigh when I see Ricky Banks and opent the message intrested and then look at it shocked.

Hey Jake this is Ricky Banks. You know the guy from Faze you met a couple times, and now I have a message for you from Alissa that's right Alissa Violet. So here you go...

Wait what the hell.... How the heck....

Jake, I need help please talk with Ricky and figure out where Dennis is hiding me and yes Dennis as in Erika's dad.


Its a long story I will explain more later but I am not dead, Denis faked my whole death after the doctors said I had a super small chance of living so Denis stole me from the hospital replacing me with someone else and then getting me medical help from somewhere else where I made a full recovering after the accident that did happen. Denis then kidnapped me realizing he could be put in jail for the rest of his life. So he kidnapped me for the past 2 and a half years. Jake I need help please, the name you always called me was "Little One" Jake please respond I need your help... I love you and need you.

I read it over about 10 times when I finally realize that Alissa my apparently Dead wife just messaged me from Faze Banks phone how the hell does Ricky know him what the hell so many questions... I have to call the police I have to do something but first.

Hey Ricky this is Jake. What the hell is this real life right now like you are dead seriouos right now Alissa Paul as in my "dead" wife is alive

I text him back and wait about 2 minutes when I see my phone light up...

Yes man, I will explain how I know her, basically I got stuck into working with Dennis and I have been one of the guards that have guarded Alissa for the past 2 and a half years and well Denis basically has blackmailed me into all of this I will explain more later but Jake you have to call the police and save her Dennis is horrible and beats her up I try to help as much as I can but I cant do much more shes slowly giving up thining she will never escape...

I look at the phone shocked and quickly respond.

Whats the adress I will call right now

I send it and withing seconds...

It is like (Fake Street Adress) its that street but it has no adress on it the police will realize it when they see it, its a run down house and in horrible shape and has a relly messed up driveway with trees surrounding the house... Save her Jake she needs you...

I immediatly respond Im calling now and call 911... here we go..

Phone Call:

911- This is 911 what is your emergency

Jake- Yes this is Jake Paul, my wife Alissa Violet supposedly died 2 years and 6 months ago in a car crash but I have very much reason and proof to prove she is alive

911- Mr. Paul we need any information you have, and fast

Jake- Her location I am pretty sure is on (Street) and the house is rundown and run over by trees and a bad driveway please help her fast

911- Police are moving out right away, Jake please stay on the phone and head down to our office right now to show us all info you have

Jake- Got it I will be right there

I look at Erika who opens her eyes confused.

Erika- Who are you talking to

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